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Save BIG at Domino’s this January!
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Voting Open Now!

It's down to you to elect your representatives for 2011/12.

Voting takes about as long as checking your emails and it's important that all of you take the time to vote.

Your representatives really do run the Union on a day to day basis, and, together with the part time officer team, implement the changes you've asked for.

Voting closes at 9pm on Friday.

Be part of it.

Elections Party

After a long week of campaigning, join us and all the prospective candidates at the Elections Party on Saturday night to find out who is going to be running your Union next year.

Doors open at 8pm, with announcements taking place from 8.30pm, so be sure to arrive early to avoid missing out.

It's all happening in Copper Rooms 1 – Free Entry – 8pm to 1am.

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