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What would you expect from your course if you were paying much higher tuition fees?

This is the question Universities across the country are afraid to know the answer to. At Warwick SU we want to know what you think about higher tuition fees and what you would expect in terms of a University experience if you had to pay higher fees.

As you may know, In December 2010 MPs voted to increase Home/EU undergraduate tuition fees to up to £9000 per year. This means that, for new students starting University in Autumn 2012, tuition fees will increase to between £6000 and £9000.

Meanwhile across the sector tuition fees for International and Postgraduate students continue to rise year on year.

We want to know what you think about higher fees so that we can influence University discussions in the coming days and weeks!

Please help us by filling out this three minute, anonymous survey.


Warwick SU

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