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The Uganda Volunteering programme is for students looking to get real, hands on experience of working abroad - spurred by the abundance of package holiday-esque eco-tourism type programmes on offer.

The Uganda Volunteering programme is no holiday. It is not eco-tourism. It's a specialist opportunity where you will be working directly with orphaned and homeless children. You will work in schools as a teaching assistant, on the summer school programme. You will lead extracurricular classes and referee football matches.

Later in the programme you will work in Kewempe Homecare, which is a centre for people living in Kampala who are HIV positive. They run forums where people discuss effects of medication, and support groups for recently diagnosed individuals.

On weekends, there will be excursions to nearby attractions; including Sipi Falls and various national parks. There will also be plenty of time to experience the vibrant nightlife of Kampala.

There are 10 places available for this programme, and they are likely to go quickly. The cost is £2500, including flights, accommodation and food and most other in-country costs. This cost can of course be fundraised, paid normally, or a bit of both! As we run the programme in-house, there will also be a hefty donation to the projects that you'll be working on.

For more information download the information pack.

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