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Happy New Year everyone!

The Postgraduate Society are having a party with FREE entry at 8pm, Saturday the 22nd of January, in the Terrace Bar. We're combining with a great new event for this term: Mixology, which includes a DJ and cocktails and we have a whole half of the Terrace Bar reserved just for us! All are definitely welcome so grab your friends and even if you've never been to one of our events before you can still use this great opportunity to make some new ones! It's never too late to celebrate the New Year!
- Postgraduate Society

Other news from your Union:

  • Coventry House is a large building near the Arts Centre currently occupied by the NHS. However from March it will be reclaimed by the University and a large ground-floor section will be devoted to a space specifically for Postgraduates. The University has asked the SU to consult PGs on what they would want from such a space. What would you like such a space to be used for? And what would you want to see in it? Send your ideas to
  • What's next for the Higher Education funding campaign? Have your say tonight in the Membership Space from 6pm.
  • The Students Advice Centre in SUHQ often gives advice to Postgraduate Research students with queries related to their supervision arrangements. You may find the University's Guidelines on Supervision useful.
    Feel free to contact the Student Advice Centre if you need advice on this or any other matter.
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