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Whether you're slaving away in the Library or hard at work at home we hope you’re all managing to get some rest this Easter Holiday. Here in your Union we're busy preparing for a fantastic third term with show-stopping end of year events, the return of our piazza BBQ and the Feel Good Campaign to help you through those exams and dissertations. We're also busy reading through what you had to say about us in this year's Big 5 survey so we can make your Union the very best that it can be.

News in Brief

Taken for a Ride Campaign a success! With your help and plenty of negotiations the University has set up their own bus service from Coventry to campus. Whilst a Leamington service is still under negotiation (we're hopeful!), this is a huge win for the SU and one we hope you'll join us in celebrating.

Summer Party line-up announcements – for those that went last time there's no doubting that the Warwick SU Summer Party is one of the highlights of the year and this one is looking even better. For the full announcement you’re going to have to wait until the 26th April but for now take a look at our sneaky previews on the Facebook page.

Want to get involved in the Union's key decision-making? Then being a Student Trustee may be for you – our Board of Trustees set the strategic future of the organisation and are responsible for ensuring financial sustainability. To find out more and check out the application process read more on our website.

Follow the journey of Warwick student Luke Parry as he cycles from London to Istanbul in aid of the British Red Cross on his blog.

Coming Term Three

Summer Party Summer Party 2011
Warwick SU's massive end-of-year blowout which takes place in Term 3. Situated on the grassy fields behind University House, it's a full-on mini-festival for all Warwick students which provides the perfect opportunity to celebrate the end of exams with your friends and coursemates.

Summer Party Graduation Ball
You'll be enthralled by live performances from The Henley Farrell Big Band, The Casablanca Steps and a Charleston master class from The Sugarfoot Stompers alongside an array of gangsters, card sharks and flapper girls who may tell you where The Speakeasy can be found.

girl 77p
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