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Dear Finalist,

The National Student Survey 2011 can be filled out online at It takes less than 5 minutes to complete and asks you to rate your experience here at Warwick.

The NSS is a high-profile way for students’ voice to be heard at a national level on the quality of education they receive. It helps future students makes decisions about where to study, informs national and local debates about the quality of higher education, and helps make a real difference to how your University and your course is run.

The University takes the results very seriously when deciding to make improvements in the student experience and the NSS is the key way for academic departments to gauge student opinion on the quality of teaching that undergraduates receive. Furthermore the Students’ Union uses the NSS to determine where to lobby the University to make changes.

So if you want your voice to be heard on what you did and didn’t like about Warwick, speak up and fill it in now.

The survey is completely anonymous so you can say whatever you like and if you respond to the survey before the closing date on 30th April 2010, you will be entered into a free University prize draw with a first prize of £200. You can also find out more information about the survey at

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