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As snow hits campus and deadline season kicks in, week 9 still has plenty to offer. We’ve got some mouthwatering specials in our outlets and some smashing events coming your way over the next couple of weeks. This week we’ve also launched our bus campaign ‘Taken for a Ride’ to get your views on bus prices and the bus service – make sure you share your issues!

Pressure feat. AC Slater on Thursday


Free STI Checks this Thursday

GUM Clinics

Christmas Ball - Got Your Ticket Yet?

The Christmas Ball 2010

News in Brief

Warwick Accounting Society are hosting an Assessment Centre Skills Session to help with the final stages of graduate recruitment.

10 couples. 1 awe inspiring pro group dance. 4 terrifying judges. Come along for this year's Strictly Come Dancing! It'd be nice to see you, to see you NICE!

Want to save £££s this Christmas? Get your hands on an NUS Extra card now!

GUM Clinic this Thursday! Come along and get checked out for free and in confidence.

Pop along to any of our outlets to taste some Christmas treats over the next 2 weeks, be it Christmas carvery in the Duck, turkey and stuffing baguettes in the Bread Oven or Christmas cocktails and festive hot chocolates in the Terrace Bar and Curiositea.

This Week

Wed 1st - POP! – Tarts and Vicars Party - CR1, 10pm-2am (circles from 7pm) - The Midweek Madness continues!

Thurs 2nd - CRASH - CR2, 9pm-1am - Join Carter as he takes you on a journey through the loudest, meatiest rock, metal and alternative anthems.

Thurs 2nd - Idioteque - Terrace Bar, 9pm-1am - “Occasionally a clutch of music geeks plan a night so divine that John Peel might look down from heaven with an approving grin.  Idioteque is a weekly journey through lo-fi, post-rock, electronica and other experimental sounds.” (The Fly)

Fri 3rd - GET FUNK'D - Terrace Bar, 9pm-2am - Free and Funky on a Friday – Grab a Shisha and get your groove on!

Sat 4th - PRESSURE feat. AC SLATER - CR1, 10pm-3am - All the way from Brooklyn, AC Slater pulls together an array of sounds from Old-Skool House to Contemporary Hip-Hop and sets them to seriously fat basslines. Expect the wobbliest, thickest bass with the crispest sharpest beats. Also on the bill are Brighton's bass expert MUMDANCE and one of the hottest things in UK Dubstep, INSPECTOR DUBPLATE.

Sun 5th - RAG Pub Quiz - Atrium, 7:30pm - Flex the grey matter at our weekly quiz.

The Top 5...

Join the buses campaign on Facebook

Try some Christmas treats in our outlets

Journey through rock, metal and alternative anthems at CRASH

Get checked at the GUM clinic

Don't miss PRESSURE on Saturday

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