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The Underground Rebel Bingo Club
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Dear Warwick Students,

This email is confidential. We would like to let you in on a secret.

Please do not tell anyone this... but... The Underground Rebel Bingo Club is coming to Warwick.

If you don't know who they are it's because they didn't tell you. They are a secret organisation that meets in secret locations to party hard and play the most hardcore form of bingo ever invented - Rebel Bingo. It is bingo.....kind of.....but not as you know it. Do not bring your nan. Their meetings feature loud music, dancing, shouting, playing, winning, keeping secrets and drawing on each other. It's not about gambling - it's about being part of something you believe in - and indulging in a forbidden passion - where no-one is watching. The meeting will be disguised as something else to avoid suspicion.

If you think you can handle it, then come and join them. Just don't tell anyone....shhhh! Yeah?

Ridiculously cheap limited £3 early bird tickets are on sale now from the SU website.

To find out more about them go to or 'like' the Warwick facebook page for inside info.

Please delete this email after reading and hide your computer for a while. If anyone asks you about The Underground Rebel Bingo Club just subtly change the subject. Or just pretend to faint.

End of message.

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