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Temporary Withdrawal

You can, in certain circumstances, request a temporary withdrawal from your course - normally this will be on health or personal grounds. Further information can be found on the University website, including the online application form.

The University guidance states that students may apply for temporary withdrawal for financial, personal and medical reasons, for pregnancy, or for some visa difficulties (e.g. where an overseas national fails to obtain a visa in good time to attend their course).

You should initially talk to your Personal Tutor or an appropriate person in your department, to consider if temporary withdrawal might be an option for you. We would also recommend talking to an Advisor in the SU Advice Centre so that we can discuss all the implications of a temporary withdrawal and any consequences it might have before you make a final decision.

There are rules which apply to temporary withdrawal, and the application must be made on the correct form.

Once you have decided that you need to make an application for temporary withdrawal, these are the stages the application will normally go through:

  • Complete the online application form. In it, you have an opportunity to explain why you need the temporary withdrawal - make sure you explain fully how your circumstances are affecting your ability to study at this time.

  • Get all the supporting evidence together, e.g. medical certificates.

  • Submit your online application with supporting documents.

  • Your application will be forwarded to the Director of Graduate or Undergraduate Studies in your department for consideration.

  • Once the request is approved, the Academic Office will notify the student and their department by email, confirming the last date of attendance, date of expected return and new expected completion date.