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Plagiarism or Cheating

Academic integrity is a very important aspect of study, and the University has strong rules and procedures that it implements where there is a suspicion that plagiarism or cheating has taken place. Most assessed written work is required to be put through the Turnitin website, which provides a report on the originality of the work submitted.

Plagiarism is presenting someone else's work or your own previously submitted or published work as your own without proper acknowledgement or referencing. To avoid accusations of plagiarism, it is important that sources are referenced fully and in the prescribed manner. If you are unsure how to reference properly, make sure you get advice on this from your Department and consult your course handbook.

If a piece of work is suspected of containing plagiarised content, you will usually be invited to meet with your Department so they can investigate the allegation. You should be given notice of the allegation before the meeting, and good practice means you should see the Turnitin report in advance so that you can get advice on what this means before you are asked to discuss it.

Cheating can be anything from direct copying from another student to taking unauthorised materials into an exam room.

Being found guilty of cheating or plagiarism can result in severe penalties. If you are accused of either, we would recommend getting advice as early on in the process as possible. This will help you to understand the process and its implications, hopefully helping you navigate the procedures to get the best outcome possible.