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Fitness to Attend Protocol

The University has introduced this protocol to help facilitate early intervention and active collaboration to help manage situations where there is a cause for concern over a student’s behaviour, their health, or medical conditions which lead to a concern that a student poses a risk to themselves or the wider University community. The protocol is a staged response encouraging identified students to obtain relevant support – however, depending on the student’s responses and the seriousness of the concern, the protocol can be moved to any stage at any time.


The protocol will be activated where a third party raises a concern about a student’s behaviour, health or medical condition with Student Support – this could be from their Department, friends, housemates or colleagues.

Stage 1:

This is the informal stage, and a student subject to the protocol will be invited to an informal meeting with Student Support or their Department. The issues that need to be addressed will be discussed, and hopefully a care plan can be agreed to address the issues of concern. If the student engages with the plan and there are no further issues, there may be no need for further escalation. However, if a plan cannot be agreed or if there is a failure to engage with the process, the protocol will move to Stage 2.

Stage 2:

This stage requires a formal Student Care Planning meeting, which is attended by various representatives who form the Student Review Panel (including the student). The Student Care Planning meeting will consider:

  1. The previously identified concerns and any new areas of concern; - and -
  2. An assessment of the student’s fitness to attend.

A full discussion of the issues will take place, but the meeting will follow more formal procedures than the informal meeting in Stage 1.

If the student fails to engage with the process or agree to proposals for a care plan, then the process may be escalated to Stage 3 – referral to Academic Registrar for Continuation of Registration proceedings under Regulation 36.

Stage 3:

Continuation of Registration is the process by which the University considers whether your registration as a student at Warwick should be ended. The protocol is governed by Regulation 36, and is specifically set out at 36.4.4. For detailed information on the protocol and its implementation, follow the link provided.