This is the DEV site.
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The Students’ Union is the focal point of campus life here at Warwick, but what exactly is it that makes your Union so unique? Here are a few basic facts about who we are and what we do…

Forum Terms and Conditions

Acceptable Use

This Acceptable Use Policy is intended to help create an atmosphere in which freedom of speech is balanced by self discipline and a mature attitude to discussion. We encourage people to join these discussions and it would therefore be very surprising if exchanges did not occasionally become a little heated!

Discussion Moderators are available to help you to get the most out of participating in online discussions and to ensure that these rules are observed.

By virtue of your participation in the portal and forums, you are deemed to have agreed to abide by the rules. Although the Moderator cannot take responsibility for monitoring every message that is sent to the web site, we must reserve the right to remove items submitted from anyone who repeatedly ignores these rules.

1. Personal Identification
All messages sent to a discussion will require your username and password, chosen at time of registration. Do not represent yourself as another person.

2. Use of Language
Messages should not be malicious or designed to offend. In particular, the use of swear words or undue profanity is discouraged. By participating in any discussion, you undertake to indemnify us and our employees and sub-contractors against any liability arising from any obscene, defamatory, seditious, blasphemous or other actionable statement published by you on this site and against all damages, losses, claims and costs (including without limitation fines and expenses arising out of or incurred in conducting or defending any proceedings) arising from any such actionable statements.

3. Conduct of Discussion
The Discussion Forum is intended primarily for topics relating to the University of Warwick Students' Union and for the discussion of items of membership interest. Please try to keep to the topic.

Your message should be within the scope of the subject under discussion. If you make a contribution that is inappropriate to the subject under discussion, you may be directed by the Moderator not to raise the matter further or to raise it within a separate discussion group.

No reference should be made to the personality of other participants in a discussion nor should attacks be made on an individual's character unless the person concerned has already chosen to bring his or her personality into the issue under discussion.

One to one arguments, disagreements and disputes of a personal nature must be conducted through private Email and not through public discussion.

You should remember that you are legally responsible for what you write. By participating in a discussion, you undertake to indemnify us and our employees and sub-contractors against any liability arising from any breach of confidentiality, copyright or other intellectual property right published by you on this site and against all damages, losses, claims and costs (including without limitation all expenses incurred in conducting or defending any proceedings) arising from any such publication. You must not make statements that are libellous, obscene, seek to incite racial hatred or otherwise break the laws of the United Kingdom.

4. Private Email and Club / Society emails
If a person has sent you a private Email you may not forward it to a public discussion group without the prior consent of the person who sent it. This does not prevent you forwarding private e-mail to the Discussion Administrator should you consider this appropriate. Any contact information you may be granted access to on the site should remain within it and not used for any other external emailing purposes. Any unauthorised attempt to extract or expose personal information for use outside of the Portal system will be subject to UWSU disciplinary procedures.

5. Advertising and Research
Advertising and Reseach will only be accepted when operated by or approved through UWSU Marketing and Research Departments. A fee will be charged for this service.

6. Complaints about a Breach of these Rules
Complaints about a breach of these Rules should ONLY be made by private e-mail to the Communications and Venue Officer and the Finance and Internal Affairs Officer in the first instance. They will duly notify the UWSU IT Administrators of this breach.

The UWSU Administrators will take timely and appropriate action with regard to the complaint.

7. Deliberate Abuse and / or Misuse of the Portal
Any attempt to circumvent or manipulate your access rights to the portal will be treated as a disciplinary offence and treated in accordance with the UWSU disciplinary procedures. Your access to this site is granted to you as an individual and your login details should be treated as strictly private and confidential. It is a disciplinary offence to share your access details with other users. Should you suspect that your account is being used by another person, you should change your password immediately and contact the Students' Union IT Department.