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Save BIG at Domino’s this January!
Save BIG at Domino’s this January!
We have loads of SU-run events throughout the year, but if you'd also like to see what our clubs, societies and liberation groups have organised.


WACA End of Term 2 Showcase

Event from A cappella Society

Monday 10 March 2025, 7.30PM - Monday 10 March 2025, 8.40PM


Come along to be wowed by the spectacle of live a cappella music. We'll be showcasing the ongoings of the society this term with performance from each of our groups! Commonly related to the "pitch perfect" films, this art really is fantastic to see live! Get the opportunity to see recent music from Athena, OffScore and The Leamingtones!


Very recently, The Leamingtones and OffScore went along to the ICCA QF in Nottingham and fanastically, both placed in the top 3, with both groups taking home a certificate for an outstanding element of their set; The Leamingtones, outstanding arrangement and OffScore, outstanding soloist! What a honour it is to have such talent within the society 

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£3.00 (Member)
£3.50 (Non Member)

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