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Warwick Student Cinema: Her (35mm)

Event from Warwick Student Cinema

Friday 31 January 2025, 6.30PM - Friday 31 January 2025, 8.30PM


Come see Her presented on 35mm film on the big screen in L3!

Her is an intimate glimpse into one man’s heartbreak and his attempts to heal through a new-found friendship with “Samantha” — an AI construct. As their connection deepens, we follow Theodore (Joaquin Phoenix) and Samantha (Scarlett Johansson) on a touching — if unconventional — journey of introspection. Her is made all the more bittersweet when you realise it’s Jonze’s response to his ex-wife Coppola’s own tale of love lost and loneliness in Lost in Translation — and you can watch both on the same night at this WSC double bill. Critically acclaimed and still highly praised since its 2014 release, Her is certainly not one to be missed. [Martha Gibbs]

Wait! Are you buying a Non-Members ticket? Do you have SocsFed?

Then get yourself a WSC membership instead! It's £4 and it comes with a free film (so it's the same price as your non-members ticket!), plus you'll get a load of extra benefits, including Free For Members screenings, discounted tickets for the rest of the year, voting rights, early notice of our events, and the option to join our crew!

Warwick Student Cinema is a fully licensed independent cinema fully run by students. Find out more about us on our SU webpage or on our website.

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