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LawSoc International Tour

Event from Warwick Law Society

Monday 17 March 2025, 12.00AM - Thursday 20 March 2025, 12.00AM


The 2025 LawSoc International Tour will be heading to Budapest, the capital of Hungary.

Tickets are limited and will be up till 5th December, so make sure you get them fast! 


Ticket Price includes:
- 3 Nights Hostel Accommodation in Budapest
- Return flights from London
- Private Budapest Airport Transfers
- Bar Crawl

The overall cost for international tour is £339, which is paid through two instalments. You will secure your place through the 1st instalment of £99 by 5/12 but it will be non-refundable. You will then pay the remaining £240 by 16/1.

Once ticket sales are completed and booking of the tour is confirmed, there will be emails and a pre-trip meeting during Term 2, which will go over the information you need.


For any futher questions, please email our Tour secs Hailey and Bilquis: and

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