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The Students’ Union is the focal point of campus life here at Warwick, but what exactly is it that makes your Union so unique? Here are a few basic facts about who we are and what we do…

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Candidate for the position of Disabled Students' Officer



Nathan for
Disabled Students' Officer

From (all our) experience, comes change

Who I am

  • Warwick student since 2010 (UG, taught PG, and now PhD).
  • Previously part of Student Council as Chair of PG Exec.
  • Member of the University LGBTUA+ Taskforce since 2015.
  • Member of the University Equality and Diversity Committee in 2017/18.
  • Warwick Pride exec member for 6 years.
  • Personal experience navigating the University and its processes as a student with a disability.

Accessibility reporting

  • The University (and SU) needs a simple system for reporting and logging accessibility issues.
  • Initially launching this through the SU, I will use this to work with relevant departments to fix both the immediate issue and the structural issues that created it.

Medical certificates

  • The cost of medical certificates has doubled since 2015, placing an undue burden on students with disabilities.
  • Sometimes the University demands them when they aren't necessary, and when they are, the University should cover the cost.

Temporary withdrawal

  • Processing temporary withdrawal has been known to take over a month. If something is delaying our application, we need to know about it.
  • The process of temporary withdrawal should be quicker, less stressful, and we should be kept better informed throughout.

Seamless processes

  • Different areas of the University fail to communicate effectively with each other and with students, burdening us with additional stress.
  • I want to collate your experiences of these failures and lobby the University to address these failings.

Flexible study

  • There are currently limited options for flexible study at Warwick, which disproportionately affects students with disabilities.
  • I want to work with the University to explore offering flexible modes of study for all courses. This could include taking a reduced CAT load per year, or the option to study remotely where appropriate.
  • Ensure that flexible modes of study are offered prior to students being forced to take temporary withdrawal.

Waiting times

  • Getting a Wellbeing Support Services appointment can take up to 9 weeks.
  • Given that Warwick has a 10 week term, this is clearly an unreasonable amount of time to expect students to wait for an appointment.
  • There's a need for increased staff capacity for all services in Wellbeing Support Services, including Disability Services.

Want to get in touch?

  • Find me at the Candidate Coffee session in the Graduate on Wednesday 27th, between 12:40pm and 1:20pm.
  • Email me at

This is a plain text manifesto which has been designed to be accessible for all, but if you require it in a different format, don't hesitate to get in touch at!

Plain text version without background colour

Nathan for Disabled Students' Officer

From (all our) experience, comes change

Who I am

  • Warwick student since 2010 (UG, taught PG, and now PhD).
  • Previously part of Student Council as Chair of PG Exec.
  • Member of the University LGBTUA+ Taskforce since 2015.
  • Member of the University Equality and Diversity Committee in 2017/18.
  • Warwick Pride exec member for 6 years.
  • Personal experience navigating the University and its processes as a student with a disability.

Accessibility reporting

  • The University (and SU) needs a simple system for reporting and logging accessibility issues.
  • Initially launching this through the SU, I will use this to work with relevant departments to fix both the immediate issue and the structural issues that created it.

Medical certificates

  • The cost of medical certificates has doubled since 2015, placing an undue burden on students with disabilities.
  • Sometimes the University demands them when they aren't necessary, and when they are, the University should cover the cost.

Temporary withdrawal

  • Processing temporary withdrawal has been known to take over a month. If something is delaying our application, we need to know about it.
  • The process of temporary withdrawal should be quicker, less stressful, and we should be kept better informed throughout.

Seamless processes

  • Different areas of the University fail to communicate effectively with each other and with students, burdening us with additional stress.
  • I want to collate your experiences of these failures and lobby the University to address these failings.

Flexible study

  • There are currently limited options for flexible study at Warwick, which disproportionately affects students with disabilities.
  • I want to work with the University to explore offering flexible modes of study for all courses. This could include taking a reduced CAT load per year, or the option to study remotely where appropriate.
  • Ensure that flexible modes of study are offered prior to students being forced to take temporary withdrawal.

Waiting times

  • Getting a Wellbeing Support Services appointment can take up to 9 weeks.
  • Given that Warwick has a 10 week term, this is clearly an unreasonable amount of time to expect students to wait for an appointment.
  • There's a need for increased staff capacity for all services in Wellbeing Support Services, including Disability Services.

Want to get in touch?

  • Find me at the Candidate Coffee session in the Graduate on Wednesday 27th, between 12:40pm and 1:20pm.
  • Email me at

Contact Us

If you need to ask any questions about the elections process, you can visit us in the Democratic Services Office on the top floor of SUHQ. Alternatively, you can contact us using the details below.