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The Students’ Union is the focal point of campus life here at Warwick, but what exactly is it that makes your Union so unique? Here are a few basic facts about who we are and what we do…

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Candidate for the position of Vice President for Education

Image for Chloe Batten

Chloe Batten


Hi! I’m Chloe and I’m running to be your next Education Officer!

I’m a 3rd year English Literature student and current member of the SU’s Education Exec and Warwick Anti-Racism Society’s exec. During my time at Warwick, I have always been involved in projects that centre and campaign for student voices, not only to support our educational experiences, but to develop the education system itself.

As your Education Officer I will fight for our educational experience to be improved at all levels - from better wellbeing services, to more accessible study space, to more comprehensive financial support, and a safe and liberated campus.

Whole university? Our university!

My Experience

Education Exec

Warwick Anti-Racism Society Secretary and Events Coordinator 2017-2019

Liberation Conference 2018

STEPFest 2019

ACTIVATE Access Conference

My Top 6

  1. Centre mental health and wellbeing support in education

    director of wellbeing in every department
  2. Secure more study space

    on campus, in Leamington,
  3. Cut hidden costs

    Free printer credits for all, cap library fines
  4. Fix international student fees

    Stabilizing rising course fees - more security, accessible
  5. Earlier exam timetable release

    Reduce stress, planning
  6. Liberate our education

SUPPORTED EDUCATION: centre mental health and student wellbeing

I will strive for

  • dedicated Director of Wellbeing in every department

  • a university-wide review of the personal tutor system and compulsory mental health awareness and cultural competency training for personal tutors

  • better funding towards mental health support

QUALITY + ACCESSIBLE EDUCATION: better resources to enhance learning

I will fight for

  • universal lecture capture while ensuring academic property remains protected

  • more and better study space to match the increasing student population such as departmental common rooms in all departments and more study space in Leamington Spa

  • earlier exam timetable release

  • an improved feedback system between students, academic departments and the university

FREE EDUCATION: cut costs and fees

I will lobby against

  • printing costs, library fines and other hidden course fees - library printing credit allowance for all

  • the marketization of university education, increasing course costs, and the threat of differential tuition fees

  • cuts to financial support for students from underrepresented groups, international students and postgraduate students// fixing international student fees

LIBERATED EDUCATION: liberated our education!

I will campaign for

  • an educational environment free from sexism, racism, anti-semitism, (dis)ableism, ageism and other harmful oppressions and for the university to place victims and the most vulnerable at the centre of a reviewed and amended disciplinary process (reviewing the reporting system)

  • more investment into decolonization and liberation projects such as The Decolonize Project and Hidden Histories, to centre historically marginalized communities

  • Protecting international students and fixing increasing fees


Contact Us

If you need to ask any questions about the elections process, you can visit us in the Democratic Services Office on the top floor of SUHQ. Alternatively, you can contact us using the details below.