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Showing at Warwick Arts 11th Feb 2025
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The Students’ Union is the focal point of campus life here at Warwick, but what exactly is it that makes your Union so unique? Here are a few basic facts about who we are and what we do…

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Candidate for the position of LGBTQUA+ Officer




I'm a first year English Literature student. I’m passionate about helping the LGBTUA+ community at Warwick have a safer, more inclusive and more enjoyable experience. I have run in elections previously and have extensive experience with public speaking; both of which will help me make a difference and promote positive change. 

Connie Gordon: Campaigning for real change for LGBTUA+ students at Warwick

My main focus points are as follows: 
More SU run LGBTUA+ events that are more inclusive, ie: events that are disability friendly and understanding of personal preferences. This should include day trips, coffee dates and cultural/educational events as well as events such as Glow.
 Improved access and engagement in regards to mental health difficulties experienced by the community. This would involve training more wellbeing staff to understand and support LGBTUA+ individuals who may be suffering. Illness and suicide rates are much higher within our community than in the rest of society, and it’s so important to focus on health and happiness, especially during one’s time at university.
Improved understanding of intersectional issues within the LGBTUA+ community. Reducing occurrences of racism, sexism, classicism and ableism and educating those who might be involved is an important way to promote cohesion and support within the community as a whole. We all understand what it is like to be treated differently for who we are and this empathy can be utilised.
Improved education of society execs on LGBTUA+ issues. A huge part of prejudice is down to ignorance, so with better education we can help promote a safer university experience for all.

Vote Connie Gordon in the upcoming student election! We all deserve love, acceptance and inclusivity during our time at university and beyond!


Contact Us

If you need to ask any questions about the elections process, you can visit us in the Democratic Services Office on the top floor of SUHQ. Alternatively, you can contact us using the details below.