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Showing at Warwick Arts 11th Feb 2025
Showing at Warwick Arts 11th Feb 2025
The Students’ Union is the focal point of campus life here at Warwick, but what exactly is it that makes your Union so unique? Here are a few basic facts about who we are and what we do…

View Manifesto

Candidate for the position of Vice President for Democracy and Development

Image for MILLY LAST




Plain text manifesto:



Make your vote Last!


About me:

Hi, I’m Milly, a third-year Classicist and a member of your SU Development team. I’m running to be your next DDO because I believe there is work to be done to ensure our university is as affordable, convenient and, importantly, sustainable as possible. I know that by truly listening to the student voice this can be achieved and I'd love to be your representative in pursuing these goals.


  • Development Executive for the SU
  • Marketing Executive for Warwick Irish
  • Successfully passed a motion through ASM
  • Head Girl for secondary school and sixth form


  • Better Bus Service
  • Convenient Campus
  • Stronger Democracy
  • Green Campus
  • Stress-Free Housing


Facebook: @MillyLast4DDO


Better Bus Service:

  • Develop a shuttle bus system on campus, running later in the night and with Über-style booking to ensure the safety of students; particularly those travelling alone at night.
  • Lobby Stagecoach for cheaper single-term tickets, so that students can spread the cost of travelling without incurring higher prices.
  • Enable the live tracking of buses on the My Warwick app in order to reduce the time wasted waiting for late buses.
  • Fight Stagecoach with real competition in order to ensure cheaper and more reliable buses.

Convenient Campus:

  • Work tirelessly to end the study space crisis, using the old sports' hall for silent study, campaigning for a better network of Learning Grids off campus and ensuring dedicated study space in every new build.
  • Upgrade car parks with Smart tracking that informs drivers how many spaces are occupied.
  • Enable online ticket transfers for all SU events.
  • Freeze the price of purple at The Copper Rooms and The Terrace Bar.
  • Facilitate an automatic top-up feature on the 'Eating at Warwick' card.
  • Work with the Sports Officer to develop better facilities at the Lakeside pitches.

Stronger Democracy:

  • Work with underrepresented faculties, communities and societies to increase representation.
  • Increase accessibility by facilitating voting on the SU app.
  • Reduce bureaucracy in the SU; ensuring societies aren't bogged down with forms and making it easier for students to make a difference.
  • Institutionalise transparency with clearer processes, updates on ongoing motions and live-streamed meetings.

Green Campus:

  • Eradicate plastic waste from POP! with a realistic plan for removing single-use plastic from all outlets; introducing a recycling zone in The Copper Rooms to reduce plastic waste sent to landfill until this happens.
  • Stop needless leaflet waste with a digital-first advertising approach, making societies more visible and reducing waste.
  • Significantly increase vegan and vegetarian options in campus outlets.
  • Prepare for the future with more electric vehicle charging points and reduced car parking fees for zero-emission vehicles.
  • Reduce our production of harmful greenhouse gases by ensuring the installation of food waste bins across campus, as voted for by you in the All Student Vote.

Stress-Free Housing:

  • Create a TripAdvisor-style service for student houses to increase accountability of dodgy landlords and provide reassurance for students when house-hunting.
  • Better stagger the release dates of Warwick Accommodation to relieve the pressure of house-hunting in first term, particularly on freshers who are still settling in.
  • Create an information pack that provides housing advice for students, such as what to prioritise when choosing accommodation, when to start looking, how to choose housemates and what their tenant rights are.



Contact Us

If you need to ask any questions about the elections process, you can visit us in the Democratic Services Office on the top floor of SUHQ. Alternatively, you can contact us using the details below.