This is the DEV site.
Save BIG at Domino’s this January!

Get Help with a Campaign

Campaigns Support

Campaigns Guidance


Use our campaigns planning sheet to help you plan your campaign.


For information on how to analyse your campaign issue and develop an evidence base, develop your campaign strategy, plan & run your campaign check out NCVO's guide to campaigning & awareness and this short how-to guide for effective campaigns.

Get Help

If you'd like support with your campaign, book some time with our Projects & Campaigns team, Molly Purcell and Polly Jones, or email us via

University Committee Structure

The university's Council and Senate committee structures are helpful to understand the flow of the business through the University's formal committee structure.

There are elected student representatives on most university committees, who are able to raise and respond to issues on behalf of the student community.

Publicising Your Campaigns

Featured News & Events

Find out what's going on week-by-week in the world of campaigning here. Submit your own campaigns news & events actions to feature by emailing the SU's Projects and Campaigns Advisers.

All-Student Email

The SU sends a weekly email to all students (who have not opted out). If you would like to submit your campaign or event for consideration to feature directly in the all-student email please email the SU's Projects and Campaigns Team.

Digital Advertising

There are a number of digital advertising spaces around the campus which you can submit material to be displayed on, including the university's Big Screen and digital signage screens and the SU's digital noticebards. You can find the required specifications, templates, and how to submit content online here.

Student Media

The SU has a number of film & media societies you might like to contact about your campaigns, including student newspaper The Boar, and student radio station RaW.

Funding, Space & Equipment

Campaigns Funding

The SU has three funds which you can apply for money from, depending on the type of project you're working on: the Campaigns Fund, the Project Fund, and the Environmental Sustainability Fund. More information about the funds and how to apply online can be found here. The application deadlines can be found on the democracy timeline.

University funding options are detailed on MyWarwick. There are also a number of external funding opportunities available. Contact the Campaigns & Liberation Advisor if you are having difficulty identifying a source of funding for your campaign.

Booking Spaces

There are many spaces you can use on campus for your campaigns activities:



Display Boards & Tables

Display boards and tables, along with other equipment such as stages and PA systems, can be rented from the university. Rental prices can be found alongside the request form online.


The SU has two megaphones which can be borrowed for campaigns events. If you would like to borrow one or both for an upcoming event, please email your details and those of your event to

Contact Us

The Campaigns & Liberation Advisor works in the Campaigns & Community Office on the top floor of SU HQ. The Sabbatical Officers' offices can be found on the ground floor of SU HQ.