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Speak Out Warwick

Events reported in the media have highlighted the things students of colour are made to endure, but we know that this is nothing new. That's why Warwick Anti-Racism Society (WARSoc) and Warwick SU are coming together, asking Warwick's students of colour to Speak Out about these experiences.

From comments about "exotic" food in halls, to people touching others' hair around campus, the microaggressions students of colour face can have a huge impact on the experience and mental health of students of colour. We want to amplify your voices and call on the university to do more for students of colour. Share your stories with us (anonymously if you prefer) and help us make a difference to the experience of students of colour.

You can read the initial Speak Out Warwick report here.

Progress against the report recommendations can be found here.

To contribute to the project, submit your own experiences using the form below. If you would like your experience to be shared publicly through this project, please ensure that it does not include any personally identifying information about you or anyone else.



Please do not include personally identifying information if you would like your experience to be displayed publicly.