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Moving Off-Campus (Video Competition)

What would you tell students moving into off-campus accommodation for the first time?

Send us a short (approx. 30 -60 seconds) video, for a chance to win one of three £50 SU food & beverage vouchers!

You might like to consider one or more of the aspects below:

  • Unpacking your belongings and getting your house set up
  • Making contact with your neighbours
  • Finding your local shops and services
  • Getting to know your new housemates
  • How to find out who your local representatives are
  • How to get involved in the local community

We will use your submitted video as a resource for students moving into off-campus accommodation. Please send a link to view/download your video to to enter the competition. The deadline for the competition is 23:59pm on July 31st 2019.