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Showing at Warwick Arts 11th Feb 2025
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Liberate Teaching & Learning

Students and staff at Warwick are fighting for a liberated education. This includes efforts to decolonise and queer the university, as well as to make teaching and pastoral practices inclusive.

You can find upcoming events relating to liberating education on the Curriculum Liberation Calendar.

Trans-Inclusive Teaching & Learning

Trans students

Teaching can fail to be inclusive of trans people in multiple ways, from hostile learning environments that make assumptions about people's gender and fail to call out transphobic behaviours, to content that erases non-binary gender identities and fails to include the contributions & experiences of trans people.

In Progress:

  • The Queering University project, sister-project to the Decolonise Programme. (WIHEA)

In Place:

Queering University

Queering University image

The ‘Queering University’ project supports staff and students at Warwick to develop, implement and sustain queer pedagogies and perspectives. It encourages teaching & learning and pastoral practices that are inclusive of trans and LGBTQUA+ people, and provide greater understanding in the classroom and wider university settings.

Ultimately, the project hopes to embed & centre queer perspectives, with the goal of understanding and improving student experience and dismantling barriers that hinder community/belonging, attainment, continuation/completion, and academic progression (including from undergraduate to postgraduate study).

It works explicitly in the intersections with other axes of oppression, including race, religion, disability, and gender.

In Place:

Decolonise Programme

Warwick Decolonise Network logo

We're fighting for a decolonised curriculum and anti-racist pedagogy at Warwick, tackling poor student experiences for students of colour as well as the Black attainment gap.

In Progress:

In Place:

  • Launched the Warwick Decolonise Programme with the aim of lobbying the university for a curriculum that reflects the diversity of the student body and promotes critical thinking.
  • Recruited a team of advocates to work with the SU and their departments to decolonise the curriculum.
  • Education Officer, Larissa Kennedy, sat on a panel alongside Stuart Croft (Vice-Chancellor), Dr Meleisa Ono George (Director of Student Experience, History), and Amatey Doku (VP Higher Education, NUS), discussing the Black student experience and social mobility.

Accessible Teaching

Warwick Enable and the SU's Disabled Students' Officer organised a series of events titled 'What Your Disabled Students Want You To Know', aiming to support staff understanding and practice in relation to accessibility for disabled students in the academic context.

You can watch this recording of an event in the series.


Liberate my Module

Liberate my Module logo

The Liberate my Module reporting tool allows students to report issues on a module-by-module basis.

Reports are shared with course reps within the relevant department(s), to be raised at their Student-Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC) meetings.

Reports also inform our wider work on liberating the curriculum.


If you'd like to get involved with the Liberated Education campaign, or would like to share your ideas for future campaigns with us email