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Blackness, Imagination, Liberation

Blackness, Imagination, Liberation

We're wishing everyone here at Warwick a happy Black History Month and wanted to share with you our programme of events for this month - and beyond - as well as other things going on around campus and in the wider area.

We're launching the Blackness, Imagination, Liberation series, this month, which aims to celebrate Black culture and art, but also to give students space to consider the ways that the struggle for Black liberation is ongoing. We’ll be showcasing Warwick’s Black creative talent with events in collaboration with poets, musicians, photographers and more, and provide a forum for engagement with questions of oppression and resistance through talks and discussions with some of the foremost Black activists and thinkers in Britain today.

Events happening this month (click on each event to find out more):

"Black History vs. Culture Wars"

Date: 14th October
Time: 4pm
Location: Social Sciences Building, S0.10

Decolonisation is Not a Metaphor 

Date: 17th October 
Time: 4.30pm - 6pm
Location: Social Sciences Building, S0.10

Showcasing Warwick Black Creatives with black [untitled]: Film

Date: 19th October
Time: 6pm
Location: L3-Science Concourse 

"The Criminalisation of Black culture and the importance of Black politics"

Date: 21st October
Time: 6pm
Location: Social Sciences Building, S0.21

"Rethinking the (Black) student subject in neoliberal times" - Khadijah Diskin

Date: 26th October 
Time: 4pm
Location: The Oculus, OC1.04

Writing/poetry workshop and open mic night with black [untitled]: Film

Date: 27th October
Time: 6pm - 9pm
Location: Curiositea 

"Mental health among the Black student community - A discussion hosted by Oge Obioha co-founder of Minds of People of Colour" 

Date: 28th October
Time: 3pm - 5pm
Location: Faculty of Arts Building, FAB0.23

Showcasing Warwick Black Creatives with black [untitled]Music

Date: 3rd November
Time: 6pm - 9pm
Location: The Copper Rooms 

Events outside of Warwick

Blacklash: Racism and the Struggle for Self-Defence | Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery | Birmingham Museums

Until 30th October, Birmingham Museum, Free

From the mid-’80s and over a period of two decades and across some of the UK's major inner-cities, Mukhtar Dar - a founding member of the Sheffield Asian Youth Movement - documented the struggles of Asian and African Caribbean communities against the pernicious and pervasive tidal wave of street and state racism. Drawing on his extensive archive of photographic, video, and political ephemera, this installation explores the lived modality of what novelist, political thinker and activist Ambalavaner Sivanandan described as ‘racism that kills and racism that discriminates’.

Warwick Law Annual BHM Lecture  - ‘Race, Law and the Academy’ with Dr Eddie Bruce-Jones, Birkbeck, University of London

Tuesday 18 October 2022, 5-6 pm, H0.51 Humanities

This lecture examines conceptual, practical and political dimensions of research on race in the legal academy. Bruce-Jones will draw on his own work and experience, as well as the work of other Black scholars, around the legal concept of race in Europe, historical studies of British colonialism and interdisciplinary examinations of race at the intersection of law and the humanities. The lecture will address central questions including: What is critical race theory and why is it such a big deal? How do legacies of colonialism impact the conditions of research? And how might we think about the ethical and intellectual demands of race-related research?

Dr Eddie Bruce-Jones is Executive Dean of the School of Law at Birkbeck, University of London and serves on the Boards of Directors of the Institute of Race Relations (UK).

Black Futures - Belgrade Theatre

Various dates in and beyond October - see link for details.

A series of events at Belgrade Theatre, Coventry, led by migrant arts group Maokwo, seeking to  ask questions about how history informs our understanding of the present, and how current events might shape the histories of the future.