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Virtual Tour

Welcome to Warwick Students' Union! Please use the tours below to take a look around. 

Welcome to Warwick Students' Union! Please use the links below to take a look around. 


The SU is the centre of social life here at Warwick, and in this virtual tour, we’ll give you a look at some of the key facilities housed within our two buildings. In reality - SUHQ, the Atrium building and The Dirty Duck are all right next to each other. We've just split them into separate tours so it's easier for you to navigate.

The SU Atrium building is located right next to the Piazza, and this where you’ll find the majority of our food and drink outlets as well as The Copper Rooms nightclub. The Atrium also plays host to market stalls and society activities during the week, as well as providing a space for students to relax or study. Visit The Atrium

The SUHQ building above Rootes Grocery Store is where you’ll find your elected student officers, SU Reception and a whole host of student support services including, the Advice Centre, Student Activities (Sports and Societies) and Student Voice. It's also home to the SU’s fantastic social study space - The Green Room. Visit the SUHQ

Up the staircase between the two SU buildings is The Dirty Duck, our traditional campus eatery. The home of real ale and hearty food on campus, it’s one of the best places to meet up with friends and relax, with the evenings hosting regular Quiz and Karaoke nights. It’s also home to our exclusive social space for Postgrad students, The Graduate. Visit The Dirty Duck