This is the DEV site.
Save BIG at Domino’s this January!

Education Officer

Chih-Hsiang Lo

Vice President for Education


Hi! I’m Chih-Hsiang, your Vice President for Education this year. My job is to represent the educational interests of all students, from Degree Apprentices to Postgraduate students!

Politics and International Studies


Fun fact about me:
I have an irrational hatred of ketchup and baked beans – so much so, I have never eaten either.

My role and what I hope to achieve this year:
Education is the keystone of the University experience – and it is my job to ensure that it is as good as it can be!
As your Vice President for Education, I will focus on embedding wellbeing within education as well as making education more accessible and inclusive for all. Furthermore, I will reengage with SSLCs and Course Reps to ensure that all students are being academically represented at all levels, from departments right up to university committees.

Chih-Hsiang Lo

The Vice President for Education's office is on the first floor of SUHQ.

024 765 72777


The election for this role takes place during our Spring Elections in term 2. You can find out more about this role and the others available by visiting our elections webpages.

Find out more about SU elections

View my manifesto

View my vote count


  • There are no officer reports yet
Reports from previous officers
  • 2021/22

  • There are no archived reports for this year