This is the DEV site.

Propose a Motion

Any student can propose a motion to change or improve something at Warwick SU, the University and beyond.

If a motion passes, it becomes SU policy for 3 years and representatives from the SU must try to enact those changes.

There are 3 parts to a motion: 

  • This Union notes... are facts and information about the topic, backed up by sources and references (e.g. "This Union notes Warwick SU only has buildings on Warwick University Campus")
  • This Union believes... details what stance the Union should take (e.g. "This Union believes Warwick SU should have a building off campus for students not able to get to campus")
  • This Union resolves... lists any actions the Union should take and who should do it (e.g. "This Union resolves to mandate the Democracy & Development Officer to investigate the possibility of having an SU building off campus")
Submit a motion


If you are happy with your motion, please send it to

Once your motion is received, it gets sent to the Democracy Committee, who review the motion, propose improvements and steer the motion to other relevant SU Committees to review and propose amendments.

The motion will then go to Student Council, who discuss the motion and vote on whether to pass it or not, or whether to send it to an All Student Vote for all students to vote on.

If the motion passes at Student Council or an All Student Vote, it becomes active policy.

Motion Deadlines

  • Motion deadline (1) Monday 25th October, 09am
  • Motion Deadline (2) Monday 15th November, 09am
  • Motion Deadline (3) Monday 03rd January, 09am
  • Motion Deadline (4) Monday 01st March, 09am
  • Motion Deadline (5) Monday 25th April, 09am
  • Student Council Dates

  • Student Council (1) Tuesday 02nd November, 4-7pm
  • Student Council (2) Tuesday 30th November, 4-7pm
  • Student Council (3) Tuesday 25th January, 4-7pm
  • Student Council (4) Tuesday 08th March, 4-7pm
  • Student Council (5) Tuesday 10th May, 4-7pm (Super Council)
  • All Student Vote Dates

  • All Student Vote (1) The Big Debate Monday 08th November, 5-7pm
  • All Student Vote (1) Tuesday 09th - Friday 12th November
  • All Student Vote (2) The Big Debate Monday 31st January, 5-7pm
  • All Student Vote (2) Tuesday 01st - Friday 04th February
  • All Student Vote (3) The Big Debate Monday 16th May, 5-7pm
  • All Student Vote (3) Tuesday 17th - Friday 20th May