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Student Council

What is Student Council?

Student Council is your Unions highest student decision making body. It is where your ideas and motions are discussed, debated and voted on which helps lead the direction of the Union and your Student Officers. 


When is the next Student Council Meeting?

Scrutiny Panel Term 3 Meeting
29th May 2pm - 5pm
In this meeting, your Scrutiny Panel will meet with the Officer Team to provide them with constructive feedback, whilst holding them to account on their collective and individual priorities and achievements.




Upcoming Student Council Motions 

These motions details can be found on the Council papers, which you can find here (TBA). 

Student Council Minutes

Who attends Student Council?

Any student can attend Student Council and voice their opinions on the topics being discussed. However, Council has 28 set members who are expected to attend meetings, they are the:

These 28 members are voting member which means that they are the only ones in Student Council meetings that can cast votes on the matters being discussed. However, Student Council when deciding on your ideas and motions can choose to send it to an All Student Vote. This means that every student at Warwick can have their say and vote on the idea/motion.