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Sports Clubs


Surf Sports Club

For a club based in the Midlands, Warwick Surf is surprisingly active!  At least once a term we escape the most landlocked university in the country (we wish we were joking!) and head down to the coast in search of surf, sand and stoke.  Our Domestic Tours are relatively inexpensive and offer a cheap fun getaway from the stresses of Uni. If that wasn’t enough, we also offer two foreign tours a year for those who fancy a bit more sun, bigger waves and cheaper cocktails.

Whether you are a seasoned pro or have never put on a wetsuit before, ability is never an issue.  This is an extremely beginner-friendly club and we encourage all those of different levels to come along, coaching and training sessions are available on tour to expand your abilities in the hopes that you will fall as much in love with the sport as we have.

We are a very friendly bunch and are pretty active on campus.  We run everything from bar crawls to circles to movie nights, there is always something happening each week. While we also host bigger events such as the mythical night of BarSurf, you'll always have plenty of opportunities to come along!

Make sure you check out our brilliant Warwick Surf Instagram where we post all details and events for a better look at what the Warwick Surf family looks like!

This year's Surf Board consists of:

President - Tom Beeching
Vice President - Erin Shrimsley
Treasurer - Dan Moore
Media and Merchandise - Finn Menich and Josh Wolfe
Social Secretary - Laura Mullins
Social Secretary - Rachel Honeyball
Charities & Welfare - Callum Clow
Captain - 
Foreign Tour - Joshua Priest


Exec Membership

Surf - President

Surf - Treasurer

Surf - Charities & Events

Surf - Foreign Tour Secretary

Surf - Media & Communications

Surf - Merchandise

Surf - Social Secretary

Surf - Vice-President

Surf - Welfare Officer


Join This Club

This is an On Campus club. You’ll need a Warwick Sport Club Pass as well as a Sports Federation membership.

This is an Off Campus club. You’ll need a Warwick Sport Club Pass as well as a Sports Federation membership. Find out more about joining clubs here.

Current students should purchase the Surf Standard Membership below.


Please log in to join this organisation.


Please log in to join this organisation.

Club Pass Membership Fee (ON CAMPUS)

Ref: M10148420
This membership needs to be purchased before joining ON CAMPUS Sports Clubs

Club Pass Membership Fee (OFF CAMPUS)

Ref: M10149650
This membership needs to be purchased before joining OFF CAMPUS Sports Clubs