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Sports Clubs


Polo Sports Club

Who Are We?

Warwick Polo is a friendly and social club. We compete across the country multiple times a year, whilst having a thriving social scene and enjoying a sport some of us had never thought to try before heading to Uni!

You can join Polo whatever level you are, from never having sat in the saddle to being a seasoned pro!

How We Train...

We train just outside Leamington Spa at Offchurch Bury Polo Club with a professional coach. We run training sessions everyday of the week and sign-ups are on our Facebook page, we also provide transport for our members so it couldn't be easier to get involved! 

No equipment and no experience is needed!

Prices for beginner lessons are £40/£45, and novice lessons cost £45/£50. You can buy a block-of-ten lessons (ten hour of play). Also there is no long term training commitment by joining the club, if you want to play one week you can and you can leave it until you next want to play again! 

Throughout the year we partake in 3 tournaments: the Rugby University Challenge (regional tournament at Rugby Polo Club in term 1), SUPA Winter nationals (Rugby Polo Club in term 2) and SUPA Summer nationals (Offchurch Bury Polo Club in term 3). These are fantastic opportunities to get together over a weekend and play against a tonne of other universities, not to mention the socials on each day a long the way!


We're an incredibly sociable club who run socials every week that cater for everyone - from our infamous weekly circles, to termly events like bar crawls, and sober socials such as meals out and professional tournaments etc. Whether you just like the people and want to grab a drink, or want to come and train, we welcome everyone!

We post all socials on our Facebook page atleast a week before they happen! Alongside a calendar for the term so you can slot in those treasured dates for that pub crawl. 

How To Join Us?

Joining UWPC is like joining any other Off-Campus club, and exact details can be found on the SU website here

Follow our Facebook page to keep up to date on all upcoming socials!





Join This Club

This is an On Campus club. You’ll need a Warwick Sport Club Pass as well as a Sports Federation membership.

This is an Off Campus club. You’ll need a Warwick Sport Club Pass as well as a Sports Federation membership. Find out more about joining clubs here.

Current students should purchase the Polo Standard Membership below.


Please log in to join this organisation.


Please log in to join this organisation.

Club Pass Membership Fee (ON CAMPUS)

Ref: M10148420
This membership needs to be purchased before joining ON CAMPUS Sports Clubs

Club Pass Membership Fee (OFF CAMPUS)

Ref: M10149650
This membership needs to be purchased before joining OFF CAMPUS Sports Clubs