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Warwick Data Science Society

Warwick Data Science Society

Warwick Data Science Society

Sharing the power of data science with students from all disciplines.

Warwick Data Science Society (WDSS) is focused on bridging the gap between disciplines to help all students answer the questions that matter to them! Through our socials, talks, hands-on workshops & competitions, beginner-friendly coding courses, interdisciplinary research projects, and along with community-oriented events & content we aim to educate and inspire everyone about the data science field and its impact. 

WDSS is the 2nd largest STEM society on campus, boasting over 2,000 members from degree courses ranging from Economics and Statistics to Biology and Engineering. We are all about creating a welcoming and inclusive community, designed to encourage contributions from individuals with diverse backgrounds and life experiences. By encouraging different perspectives, we foster an environment where students can explore the innovative field of data science and develop transferable skills that will fast-track their academic and professional journeys.

Our ventures are built on the following pillars: Social, Education, Research, Competitions, Talks, and our own Podcast providing you with numerous opportunities to explore the world of data science. We hope to provide the benefits of expanding your knowledge and helping you connect with like-minded individuals.

Learn more about our events at Huzzle and TopGrad

Stay connected!

It is our pleasure to welcome you to WDSS! If you are interested in getting involved or joining the conversation, join our community in our Whatsapp GC WDSS 24/25 and Discord server!

Our 2023/2024 Exec

President: Aarushi Bansal
Vice-President: Aaditya Nair
Treasurer: Lish Lawrence
Secretary: Aabid Anas
Social Secretary: Alana Lee
Outreach Head: Oliver Clark
Events Head: Thomas Hughes and  Ibraheem Ansari
Research and Education Heads: Ritvik Gupta and Nitay Carmi
Podcast Heads: Aryan Kakkar and Melvin Thakkar
Marketing Heads:  Osi Obomighie

Exec Membership

Warwick Data Science Society - President


Join This Society

Current students should purchase the Warwick Data Science Society Standard Membership below.


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