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Warwick Plan

Warwick Professional LGBTUA+ and Allies Network (PLAN)

Warwick Plan

Welcome to the Warwick Professional LGBTQUA+ and Allies Network!

We are proud to be the University of Warwick’s first ever careers society dedicated to uplifting LGBTQUA+ students from all backgrounds to ensure that no one is ever limited in their aspirations due to their sexuality or gender identity. Truly feeling valued in the workplace and achieving your full capabilities requires not just feeling accepted but that you truly belong, and by working with companies and organisations over a diverse range of sectors we want to ensure that this is something LGBTQUA+ people experience from their first day at work to their last. We have spent the last summer building an incredible selection of sponsors and partners to provide high quality events for you across the next academic year.



We have a range of events lined up for terms 1 & 2 to help you get the best head start you can in your chosen career path. From CV and Cover Letter workshops, interview prep sessions, networking with individuals from industry leading companies and talks from LGBTUA+ individuals from a diverse range of career paths.



Warwick PLAN is not just a careers society but a community where our members can have fun and make lifetime connections! That’s why we have a selection of drinking and non-drinking socials planned including circling in the Copper Rooms!


PLAN’s 2024 Summit

The Warwick LGBTQ+ Careers Summit 2024 will see the return of Warwick's award-winning LGBT+ conference packed with exciting workshops and talks for everyone to enjoy and benefit from!



PLANORAMA is our termly magazine packed with high-quality creative articles written by our members on a range of topics affecting the LGBTQUA+ community. Anyone can write for PLANORAMA, just contact our wonderful Editor in Chief with an article pitch and you might make it into the next edition! We also host a podcast, The Queer Student, which has new episodes monthly.


And much, much more!

Make sure to follow our social media to keep up to date with our latest events and exclusive opportunities and join the PLAN 2024/25 WhatsApp Group here:


Our Exec:

President => Ria Chopra (they/them)

Vice Presidents => Callum Broderick (he/him) 

Treasurer => Kashvi Kandarthanda (she/her)

Head of Outreach => Aahan Paul (he/him)

Head of Events => Katie Todd (she/her) & Theo Job (he/him) 

Corporate Officers => Afrin Ghazal (she/her)

Non-Corporate Officers => Olivia Cooper (she/her) & Undisclosed

Marketing Officers => Theo Job (he/him)

Social Secretaries => Mattie Oke (he/they) & Samantha Hansen (she/her)

Careers and Wellbeing Officer => Harriet Paget (they/them)

PLANORAMA Editor in Chief => Amy Adshead (they/them)

PLANORAMA Deputy Editors => Noemie Cansier (she/they/he), Heather Giam (she/her) & Sofia (she/her)

PLANORAMA Design Editor => Ejay (he/him)

PLANORAMA Design Deputy => Diya (she/they)

PLANORAMA Head of Podcast => Yusra Babar (she/her) & Jasper Young (he/him)

Exec Membership

Warwick Plan - President

Warwick Plan - Treasurer

Warwick Plan - Careers & Wellbeing Officer

Warwick Plan - Corporate Officer

Warwick Plan - Head of Events

Warwick Plan - Head of Outreach

Warwick Plan - Marketing Officer

Warwick Plan - Non-Corporate Officer

Warwick Plan - Other Committee Role

Warwick Plan - PLANORAMA Editor-in-Chief

Warwick Plan - Social Secretary

Warwick Plan - Vice President (Secretary)

Upcoming Events

Warwick PLAN Domestic Tour
28th February 8am - 2nd March 8pm
Generator Hotel London


Join This Society

Current students should purchase the Warwick Plan Standard Membership below.


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