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Warwick Labour

Warwick Labour

Welcome to the University of Warwick Labour Society!

Our society aims to liberate voices of marginalised groups within our University space as well as nationally, as we are committed to the left wing values of the Labour movement.

We’re one of the most active political university societies in the country, holding regular events, talks, and socials. We are very active nationally, holding weekly campaigning sessions in the local areas of Warwickshire, especially Coventry, where we have a close relationship with MP Zarah Sultana, and Leamington Spa. Last year we had over 240 members. We love all things leftist, and welcome you to all of our events! So join below for FREE, visit our website (, be sure to follow us on Instagram for all the latest events, insights and to see how to get involved, as well as our Tik Tok and Twitter pages. @warwicklabour


Campaigning is crucial to our society and we do a lot of it. We make a difference on campus through a mix of internal campaigns and collaborations with other societies, raising money and awareness for important issues.
Our Register to Vote campaign has been really great in getting students out and voting. We are part of the Warwick Left Network, a network of societies and students on the left who strive to make a difference at Warwick, as well as in collaboration with Student Staff Solidarity Network. We are also proudly one of the societies in coalition with Warwick Stands With Palestine, campaigning for divestment on campus.

We run regular campaigning sessions in Coventry and Leamington where we have had incredible conversations on the door step, campaigning for change, and especially for Coventry South MP Zarah Sultana, who's position in Parliament has meant so much to local people. Since the call of the general election this summer, we have worked tirelessly to get Zarah relected into Parliament, working alongside leftist figures such as John McDonnell, Bell Ribeiro-Addy, Ian Byrne, Apsana Begum, Kim Johnson and holding multiple campaigning sessions a day! Most recently, our commitment to campaigning has helped to elect Grace Lewis, our former Chair, as the Councillor for Westwood, a ward just besides the University itself. Campaigning can be daunting if you've never done it, but don't worry as we have a brilliant team of External Campaigns Officers with amazing experience on the door step. And of course we often hold socials after!


To unwind we have a huge range of socials that run regularly, both ones that involve alcohol and sober socials. From bar crawls across Leamington and Coventry, to circles to club nights such as the SU's POP, film nights and activities such as lasertag and live streams of political debates! Circles are a huge deal at Warwick Labour. As we have four amazing Social Secretaries, our circles are rammed with games, fun and great people. Charity circles are held at least once a term, where we raise money for our charity of the term in the most fun way possible. Recently our charity circle raised £169 for Acorn. We often collaborate with other societies on the Left for socials; we had a great time at the Big Leftist Quiz of the year. Check out our Instagram for the latest information.

Talks and Events

Our Talks and Events Officers hold a multitude of events that range from political discussions, to speakers on the left, to our much beloved Pints and Policy event where topical debates get heated (but funnier) under the influence of alcohol! We host high-profile speakers from Parliament and the wider political sphere to bring you insight from politicians, campaigners and thinkers. We also often collaborate with other societies on campus to hold debates on various current affairs, on topics such as education. We are excited to invite a variety of speakers to campus. Speakers have included Zarah Sultana, Andrew Harrop, Rosena Allin-Khan, Nabeela Mowlana, Ian Lavery, Andy Burnham and Bell Riberio Addy amonst many others.


Liberation is fundamental to the politics of our society. The values of anti-racism, feminism, LGBTQ+ liberation and the liberation of disabled people are inextricable from class politics. We have five active liberation caucuses which hold their own events and seek to work with the liberation societies on campus as closely as possible! These include LGBTQIA+, Trans, BAME, Disabilities and Mental Health (DMH) and a Women's caucuses. We hold events such as Feminist Movie Night and circle with societies such as PLAN, and are in support of Warwick Disability Liberation who are a new group of radical students advocating for accessibility on campus.


Each term our Charities & Welfare Officers choose a charity that aligns with our society's values. During our most recent charity circle we raised £169 for Acorn, a children's hospice. They also take us on charity shop crawls to sustainably shop for wardrobe essentials. Our Charities & Welfare Officers are also responsible for society welfare, holding welfare events on Wednesdays to make sure members of Warwick Labour feel safe, secure and listened to.

LEFT Magazine

We have our own blog and magazine where we encourage members and left-wing students on campus to write about issues that matter to them and also write about current affairs. Recently we have been working on getting out the release of our Palestine edition, which holds art work, articles, poems and more in aid of spreading awareness on this world issue, in support of the Free Palestine movement. These are available on our website.


Our 5-a-side team plays regularly against other society teams. And we get involved in mixed and women's netball. We recently held the much beloved Sports Day, organised by our Sports Officer, who invited along our friends in the Warwick Left Network. We had an egg and spoon race, football games and even a BBQ in the sun. During the time of the Euros, we have attended screenings of the England games. Sport gives members a chance to relax and let off steam. We even play against other political societies!

Follow our Sports Instagram to find out more!  @warwicklaboursport

The Annual Ball

At the end of each academic year we host a ball for our members, alumni and friends to celebrate our achievements throughout the year and finishing exams. We had this year's ball at the Riverside Glasshouse in Leamington. There, our Charities & Welfare Officers and Ball Officer organised fundraising directly for people affected by the conflict in Palestine; we sold polaroid photos and guessed the number of petals in a jar, raising a total of £145.
Ball is one of the most exciting events of the year, and we always have the best speakers to liven up the party. This year we were excited to host our speakers MP Zarah Sultana and Former Chair of Young Labour, Nabeela Mowlana.


Tour is a much expected event that we host yearly. Last year we went to Cambridge University for three days, exploring a new city, meeting new people and trying out their flagship pints and policy event. Most recently, during this general election period, we have taken mini tours to Clwyd East in Wales and to Sheffield, taking our brilliant team of campaigners out to canvass for the Labour cause. We aim to keep tour as cheap and accessible as possible for all to come who wish. We are in the works of deciding our next tour destination.


The Exec - 2024/25

Chair - Ollie C

Deputy Chair - Emily P*

Treasurer - Ollie S

Secretary - Ben C

Publicity and Communications Officer - Ellie S*

Welfare and Charities Officers - Luna A, Ben S

Tech Officer - Matt P

Editor-in-Chief of LEFT - Ronny W

External Campaigns Officers - Katie T*, James V, Otto O, Josh B

Internal Campaigns Officers - Scarlett T*, James M

Talks and Events Officers - Erin L, Gabriel H

Women's Officer: Emily Payne*

BAME Officer - Destiny M

LGBTQ+ Officer - Katie T*

Disabilities and Mental Health (DMH) Officer - Scarlett T*

Social Secretaries - Mads W, Eve C, Lola F, Ellie S*

Sports Officer - Ed S

Tour Officer - Louis K

* = Holds multiple roles.



Exec Membership

Warwick Labour - Treasurer

Warwick Labour - Chair/Co - Chair

Warwick Labour - Deputy Chair

Warwick Labour - External Campaigns Officer

Warwick Labour - Internal Campaigns Officer

Warwick Labour - Publicity Officer

Warwick Labour - Secretary

Warwick Labour - Social Secretary

Warwick Labour - Sports Officer

Warwick Labour - Talks & Events Officer

Warwick Labour - Tech Officer

Warwick Labour - Tour Officer

Warwick Labour - Welfare Officer

Warwick Labour - Women's Officer


  • Society Constitution

    Warwick Labour's constitution sets out the aims and objectives for the society.

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Current students should purchase the Warwick Labour Standard Membership below.


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