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Warwick Strings

University of Warwick String Orchestra

Warwick Strings

Welcome to the University of Warwick String Orchestra! We are a relaxed, unauditioned orchestra playing a variety of music. If you play a string instrument - be it the violin, viola, cello or double bass, this is the society for you.


The University of Warwick String Orchestra was set up to increase the opportunity for string players to play together in a friendly environment. We enjoy playing music together and aspire to improve as individuals and as an ensemble.

We are a totally open and non-auditioned orchestra, where all are welcome to come and play. We are sure you will enjoy it! Past pieces we have played include Bartok's Romanian Dances, Mozart's Divertimento, Pirates of the Caribbean, and many more. We also love receiving suggestions for music from members to expand our repertoire!

 Our concerts take place once a term and often happen in the Warwick Arts Centre atrium on campus. It's a great atmosphere and way for us to showcase what we have been practicing. 


Socials are organised during the year and include meals out, coffee mornings, concert trips together and the Music Centre Ball. We also attend the Cleverducks Pub Quiz, so there is something to suit everyone.

Rehearsals are at Thursdays 5 - 7pm in the Helen Martin Studio, inside the Warwick Arts Centre.

Membership costs £3.


If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact any of the exec, we will get back to you as soon as possible.


Don’t forget to join us on Facebook at:

        follow us on Instagram at:

and like our page for updates:

See you at rehearsal!


The Executive Committee:

  • President - Aryan Kaul
  • Treasurer - Nish Prabakhar
  • Welfare Officer - Jonathan Ryan
  • Social Secretary - Tanaka Udugama Jalathge
  • Publicity Officer - Diya Tanna
  • Librarian & Secretary - Jayden Moloney



Join This Society

Current students should purchase the Warwick Strings Standard Membership below.


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