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Sociology Society

Sociology Society


Welcome to our homepage!  

Here you'll find everything you need to know about the Society including Academic/Social Event Info, Photos, and welcome messages from your wonderful Exec!

Some of the things you can look forward too this year! 




      CAREERS EVENTS            CIRCLING + POP!            REVISION SESSIONS            SPRING BALL        


SocSoc Highlights:


Freshers Reps:  At the beginning of the year we look for a handful of Freshers who are willing to represent 1st Years in SocSoc.  You'll be involved in helping the Exec plan and execute events, be instrumental in publicising events to your fellow Freshers, and get an inside look into how SocSoc operates.  When February comes around you'll have the chance to run for one of our positions and keep the SocSoc flame alive!


Christmas Meal:  This is an annual tradition that takes place at the end of Term 1.  Whip out those Xmas jumpers, wrap yourself in tinsel and join us in Leamington for a delicious meal!  For those who don't celebrate Christmas: that's cool! Come join us anyway for an end of term celebration involving eating, drinking, and spending time with your SocSoc pals. Keep an eye out on our social media for further details nearer the time!


Spring Ball: This year we want to revive the tradition of an annual ball for the students we serve with the possibility of inter-society collavborations. This is sure to be the highlight of your academic year; it's a chance to dress in your finest apparel and celebrate in style with the rest of SocSoc. This is one event you do not want to miss! Details regarding the event usually come at the end of Term 1/beginning of Term 2, so keep your eyes peeled!

Where to find us:

Linkedin : Warwick Sociology Society

Facebook: Facebook

Instagram: Warwicksociologysoc


Sociology Department Homepage: Warwick Sociology Society

Meet your executive committee!



 Adam Allen (He/Him) - Penultimate Year Sociology and Criminology                                                                                


Jasmine Deen (She/Her) Penultimate Year Politics and Sociology


                       Academic and Welfare Officer:                                                                                     


Kiana Thakrar (She/Her) Penultimate Year Sociology and Criminology




Holly Dhillon (She/Her) Penultimate Year Sociology 




Sophia Arbury (She,They) Penultimate Year Sociology


                                     Social Secretaries: 


Jade Francis (She/Her) Penultimate Year Politics and Sociology   


Talia Marie (She/Her) Penultimate Year Politics and Sociology 


                                                                                                                                                                     Publicity Officer:                                                                                      


Rhea Badesha (She/Her) Penultimate Year Sociology and Criminology 


        Sponsorships and Relations Officer


Zara Khokhar (She/Her) Penultimate Year Law with Sociology 


                                                                                                                                                                       Sports Officer 


Alexander Winton (He/Him) Penultimate Year Sociology                                                    


                            Charity Officers:


Lily James (She/Her) Penultimate Year Sociology     


Arthur Garton (He/Him) Penultimate Year Sociology










Exec Membership

Sociology Society - President

Sociology Society - Treasurer

Sociology Society - Charities and Events Officer

Sociology Society - Fresher's Rep

Sociology Society - Publicity Officer

Sociology Society - Safety

Sociology Society - Secretary

Sociology Society - Social Secretary

Sociology Society - Sponsorship and Relations Officer

Sociology Society - Sports Officer

Upcoming Events

Invitation to Ball Sociology Society Annual Ball
8th March 7pm - 11pm
Windmill Village Hotel - Coventry
Join us for our Annual Sociology Society Ball! ✨


Join This Society

Current students should purchase the Sociology Society Standard Membership below.


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