This is the DEV site.
Save BIG at Domino’s this January!
We have over 250 societies - there is bound to be one for you! On this page you can find out more about societies, join them, start them up, or find resources for exec members.

Societies Federation Membership

What is Societies Federation membership?

Societies Federation membership is a membership which then allows you to join Societies! Each society may also have its own small membership fee which is decided by the specific society.

Societies Federation costs:


1 Year

2 Years

3 Years

4 Years



Societies Federation Standard Membership - Undergraduate

Ref: M10000030

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Price: £16.00
This membership is for Undergraduate students and needs to be purchased before joining Societies


This product is not on sale.


This product is not on sale.


This product is not on sale.



Societies Federation Standard Membership - Postgraduate

Ref: M10003560

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Price: £8.00
This membership is for Postgraduate students and needs to be purchased before joining Societies


Societies Federation Standard Membership - Warwick Medical Students Postgraduate 2 Year Membership

Ref: M10184820

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Price: £15.00
This membership is for Postgraduate students for 2 years and needs to be purchased before joining Societies


Societies Federation Standard Membership - Warwick Medical Students Postgraduate 3 Year Membership

Ref: M10184830

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Price: £22.00
This membership is for Postgraduate students for 3 years and needs to be purchased before joining Societies


Societies Federation Standard Membership - Warwick Medical Students Postgraduate 4 Year Membership

Ref: M10184840

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Price: £24.00
This membership is for Postgraduate students for 4 years and needs to be purchased before joining Societies



Societies Federation Standard Membership - Erasmus

Ref: M10003570

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Price: £6.00
This membership is for Erasmus students and needs to be purchased before joining Societies




Where does the money go?

All the money from Societies Federation memberships goes straight back into societies! Grants are allocated at the start of each academic year. This then means we can have more diverse and unique societies!

I’ve already bought my Societies Federation membership this year - can I upgrade?

Yes! If you buy the desired multi-year version from the above table, then submit a refund request form here for your old Societies Federation membership.

Why should I buy a Multi-Year Societies Federation membership?

You wouldn’t need to buy the Societies Federation membership every year. If you buy multiple years at one time, you get a discount!

Can I get a refund on any unused years if I purchase a Multi-Year membership?

You can only request a partial refund if you are leaving the University. You can extend your membership by a year if you take a year out or a year abroad.