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We have over 250 societies - there is bound to be one for you! On this page you can find out more about societies, join them, start them up, or find resources for exec members.







Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Welcome to the University of Warwick Sikh Society!

Our aim is to educate people on Sikh philosophy and provide insight into the beauty of Sikhi whilst forming new friendships along the way! We hope that through the Sikh soc, you will be able to take something valuable away (apart from free food!). Open to everyone, sikh or non-sikh :) We organise various events throughout the year, such as...

- Rehras and Chaa/Kirtan Darbars: a way to connect sangat, across different universities to unwind and immerse ourselves in beautiful kirtan together

- Debate Nights/Talks: we have a diverse set of speakers speaking on a wide range of topics related to sikhi, as well as events discussing and debating several engaging topics together

- Games Nights: from bowling, to laser tag, to boardgames; our games nights are a perfect way to make new friends!

- Mentorship Scheme: matches first years to 2nd/3rd year student, who has similar interests/career goals and is completing a similar course. Aimed to provide you with guidance, advice and answer any questions you may have about university.


Here to promote Sikh Culture and values on campus and keep everyone in Chardi Kalaa (High Spirits).

We run our events every Tuesday!

Follow our Instagram @warwicksikhsoc and Tiktok @warwicksikhsociety to keep up to date and find more information !

Our 2024/5 Exec Team...

President: Sukhpreet Singh Sahi

Vice-President: Keerat Kaur Grewal

Treasurer: Arjun Singh Bhogal

Secretary: Anjali Kaur Kareer

Events Co-Ordinators: Kiranpreet Kaur Saini & Sunita Kaur Rodh

Kirtan Co-Ordinator: Anand Singh Jaj

Welfare Officer: Harleen Kaur Bal

Sports Co-Ordinators: Kishan Singh Mann & Arshvir Singh

Marketing Officer: Ishr Singh Mann

Lanagar Co-Ordinator:  Sevak Singh Chaggar 



Exec Membership

Sikh - President

Sikh - Treasurer

Sikh - Events Co-Ordinator

Sikh - Events Co-Ordinator2

Sikh - Media

Sikh - Other Exec Members

Sikh - Secretary

Sikh - Seva Coordinator

Sikh - Sports Coordinator

Sikh - Sports Coordinator 2


Join This Society

Current students should purchase the Sikh Standard Membership below.


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