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Real Ale

1973 Real Ale

Real Ale

Who We Are

We are an incredibly inclusive society dedicated to hosting great nights out, while also facilitating the discovery of different beers, wines, ciders, gins and much much more. Whether you're a seasoned drinking veteran, seeking a casual environment to relax, or just want to have great nights out, Warwick Real Ale caters to everyone. 

With regular trips to nearby venues, we’ll give members the opportunity to experience the West Midlands like they’ve never seen it before (whether you remember it or not)- our pièce de resistance being our annual Real Ale Festival.


The Real Ale Festival

The Warwick Uni Real Ale Festival is the biggest student run beer festival in Europe.

In 2023 we had over 150+ beers from around the world! If that is not enough, we stock over 50+ ciders and wines that you would probably have never tried before!

We have live music and the event is huge, each day of the three day festival, bringing in 1000's from up and down the country.

So be sure to make your way down to the Copper Rooms on week 6 of term 2 where the beer and ale will be flowing like milk and honey.


Live for the beer. Laugh with a pint. Love for the brew.

Don't be put off by our name- although historically the society was founded upon a love for real ale, nowadays our core focus is to host an incredible festival, socials and nights out, giving our members the opportunity to have a great social every week. Whereas many societies at Warwick might stick around campus and Leamington, at Real Ale we pride ourselves on the variety of our socials; one week we might be getting ourselves over to the SU with purples for circling, the next exploring local bars and pubs in the glorious Royal Leamington Spa. If you love discovering the best spots, all while enjoying great local beer, wine and cider, then Real Ale is the society for you. 

With that said, if you are keen to learn more about tasting and brewing real ale, beer, wine, cider and mead then look no further. Warwick Real Ale has plenty of experienced members who can get you started with the correct tools, knowledge and resources to become a beer connoisseur and get you brewing your own beer and cider.

At the end of the day, whether you’ve never tried beer before, or you don’t drink anything unless it's brewed independently by a group of monks using nearly extinct hops: WURAS will be the perfect fit for you. What are you waiting for? Come along for good beer, good company and a great atmosphere.


Why Join?

  • We are a group of sociable people who love brewing.
  • Beginners and those who aren't keen on ale are also welcome (many of our exec are cider and wine lovers).
  • Helping us with the festival is great for your CV.
  • We are constantly trying new beers and drinks.
  • Discounts at Bars and Pubs in Coventry and Leamington Spa.
  • Hands-on experience crafting your own drinks from scratch


2024 Term 1 Social Events

Week 1:   Tasting Social with Free Beer (05/10)

Week 2:   Circle (9/10)

                 Coventry Pub Crawl (12/10)

Week 3:   Women's social (15/10)

                 Earlsdon Pub Crawl (17/10)

Week 4:   Pint Hunt! (24/10)

Week 5:   Brewing Social (28/10)

                 Broomie Tavern Halloween Festival (2/11)

Week 6:   Pub Quiz and Wing Night at The Clarendon (6/11)

Week 7:   Under the Sea Circle with Cocktail Soc! (13/11)

Week 8:   Boom Battle Bar (21/11)

Week 9:   Karaoke at The Old Library (28/11)

Week 10: Christmas Dinner (05/12)

More socials will be announced so keep in touch by following our Facebook & Instagram pages for more details, as well as our WhatsApp group to keep up to date. Everybody's welcome, so bring yourself and your friends!

Exec Membership

Real Ale - President

Real Ale - Vice President

Real Ale - Treasurer

Real Ale - Brewer

Real Ale - Equal Opportunities

Real Ale - Equipment

Real Ale - Master Brewer

Real Ale - Publicity Officer

Real Ale - Safety

Real Ale - Secretary

Real Ale - Social Media Officer

Real Ale - Social Secretary


Join This Society

Current students should purchase the Real Ale Standard Membership below.


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