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Quiz Society

Quiz Society



Welcome to Warwick QuizSoc!

Who we are

We are the go-to society for all things quizzical on campus - and we are currently the Society of the Year! 

We have a friendly Exec who are more than welcome to answer any questions you may have. Find out who they are via our 'Meet the Exec' series over on our Facebook page.

For a summary of who we are and what we do, watch our intro video below! 

You can find a transcript to this video here.

What we do

Buzzer Quiz

Every Tuesday and Thursday from 6pm

There is a variety of questions and rounds available each week for anybody willing to give it a go, including quick-fire quizzing and a more University Challenge style of quizzing.

If you're not sure about what Buzzer Quiz involves either, don't worry! All levels of experience are welcome so come along and show off your quizzing skills!

Pub Quiz 

Every other Friday from 7.30pm in The Graduate

Our great exec put together entertaining rounds of science, history, entertainment, literature and more for you to enjoy over a pint or a bite to eat every other week. Bring your friends, flatmates, coursemates or anybody you would like to and form yourself a quizzing team! Alternatively, there is always the option to turn up on your own and be matched up into a team when you arrive to make some new quizzing friends! 

Entry is free for members and £1 per person for non-members (with an extra £1 per team for the bonus round for both members and non-members). And obviously, there is a variety of excellent prizes to be won!

University Challenge

Are you ready to show Oxbridge who's boss? Always wanted to meet Jeremy Paxman? Want to follow in the footsteps of last years' team? QuizSoc organizes University Challenge tryouts every year. Updates of dates and times will be available on our social media soon, so make sure to follow us! 


As a society we also organise a host of fantastic socials for our members throughout the year. From end-of-term meals to laser tag to special events at Christmas time, we have a bunch of socials for you to sink your teeth into (which don't always involve quizzing!). All our events are suitable for non-drinkers too, so everybody is welcome.

We also participate in tournaments against other universities both away and at home, and of course we have all our events running all year round for you to get involved in!

Like our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter and Instagram for the latest updates and feel free to email us if you'd like any more info!

 © Warwick University Quiz Society 2022

Exec Membership

Quiz Society - President

Quiz Society - Vice President

Quiz Society - Treasurer

Quiz Society - Competitions Convenor

Quiz Society - Publicity & Social Secretary

Quiz Society - Secretary

Quiz Society - Social Secretary

Quiz Society - Welfare Officer


Join This Society

Current students should purchase the Quiz Society Standard Membership below.


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