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PPE Society

PPE Society

Philosophy, Politics, Economics


The PPE Society is a student-run academic society with over 1000 members - and that's almost twice the number of people studying the course! We aim to engage with anyone who has an interest in any of our disciplines, bringing them together in one diverse, dynamic and extremely active society.



Our prestigious speaker series hosts a diverse range of speakers on contemporary topics. Prominent speakers to have joined us include former Conservative MP and Junior Health Minister Edwina Currie, BBC Economist and Journalist Evan Davis and BBC Radio 4 and Mock the Week satirist Rory Bremner, to name but a few.

Our Annual PPE Symposium Conference addresses pressing societal issues through the medium of discussion. A panel of experts is invited to debate and scrutinize topics, which in the past have included the decline of western countries, identity politics and philanthrocapitalism.

You can follow our blog - PPE iNSIGHTS - where articles are posted regularly about all topics dedicated to PPE. If you wish to spend the next five minutes on searching through thought-provoking text scroll down to the direct link of PPE iNSIGHTS. 

Finding one's feet in the world beyond university is no easy task. The PPE Society collaborate with firms from a range of industries to provide an excellent support network for students looking to gain experience. Keep an eye out for all our event to help you find your career path!

Our socials are a fantastic way to meet fellow students. From nights out in Leamington and Birmingham to ice-skating in Coventry, there are plenty of opportunities to get involved.

In term 2 we host the annual PPE Ball in Warwick Castle, open to all society members. The ball is a glamorous night of formality, food, drink and entertainment. It is a wonderful way to celebrate the year, unwind before exams and say goodbye to the finalists.

Tours give you the chance to pack your bags and leave campus for the weekend. In term 1 we run our UK-based domestic tour, and in term 2 we go overseas on our international tour. Previous locations for domestic include Cardiff, Bristol and Brighton; for international we have visited Amsterdam, Budapest, Copenhagen and more.

PPE Society runs intramural Football and Netball teams that compete against other societies. Football teams play on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday, and include both 5 a side and 11 a side. Our netball team play in the weekend league. If you want to get involved, join the Facebook groups through the links below and contact Sam Adie (Sport Secretary) via Facebook.

Last year we worked with Help Refugees UK, raising over £600. This year, we are proud to support the Samaritans.

The Samaritans “works to make sure there’s always someone there for anyone who needs someone” a message we believe to be of particular importance in the next year as we tackle the covid-19 crisis and it’s impact in mental health nationwide. Their 24 hour helpline offers crucial support to millions of callers each year. With a local centre in Coventry, The Samaritans also offers a chance for our society to get involved first hand with volunteering. Now more than ever they are in desperate need of our help to continue the amazing support they offer. We look forward to helping out however we can this year!

You can find the link for the organisation here:

We're looking to raise our highest ever total for charity this year and are looking for volunteers - get in touch!

Looking forward to a fantastic year,

Your PPE Exec 2022/23

Facebook Page:



Are you a fresher of 2020/21? Facebook group link:

Twitter: @WarwickPPE

Instagram: warwickppe

Any other questions:

Football - PPE F.C:

Netball - PPE Netball:

Executive Committee:

PRESIDENT: Lara Holzner


SECRETARY: Kavern Batchelor





SOCIAL SECRETARIES: Adam Heal, Gurkamal Sidhu






Exec Membership

PPE Society - President

PPE Society - 1st year Rep

PPE Society - Careers Coordinator

PPE Society - Charity Coordinator

PPE Society - Creative Marketing Secretary

PPE Society - Events Secretary

PPE Society - Secretary

PPE Society - Social Secretary

PPE Society - Speaker Series Coordinator

PPE Society - Sports Coordinator

PPE Society - Tour Secretary

PPE Society - Vice President and Treasurer

PPE Society - Welfare

Upcoming Events

PPE International Tour
15th March midnight - 18th March midnight
PPE International Tour is back! 🥳 We will be headed on tour to Prague 🇨🇿 during the first week of Easter Break from the 15-18th March. With there being so much to explore, eat and drink at a reasonable price, this year’s tour is not one to miss.


Join This Society

Current students should purchase the PPE Society Standard Membership below.


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