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Polish Society

Polish Society

A warm welcome to all of you!

We would like to invite all of you to join the Warwick University Polish Society! We are the society dedicated to promoting Polish culture and cuisine, to bringing together Polish and non-Polish students and to helping students with Polish origins to learn about our country. That sounds a little too serious... but at the end of the day this society is all about having fun, whether it is drinking with friends at socials or having a proper Polish Christmas Dinner.

Whether you are Polish or non-Polish this is your opportunity to join one of the most active societies on campus! The programme includes concerts and film projections. Other activities include trips and typical Polish socials. We're planning to go out to POP together (maybe we will have circling as well) and meet up at many, many more occasions -especially after introducing Weekly Preservation of Polish Culture!

This is your chance to meet people and get acquainted with a culture which is hailed as one of the most interesting in the world.

We encourage you to join the Society, our Facebook page ( and group (

Witamy Cie na stronie Polish Society!

Serdecznie zachecamy do zapisania sie do Warwick University Polish Society. Jestesmy stowarzyszeniem, które ma na celu promocje polskiej kultury i kuchni, spotkania Polaków oraz obcokrajowców zainteresowanych Polska kultura oraz integracje z studentami o polskich korzeniach. Nawet jesli brzmi to dosc powaznie, to pamietajcie, ze PolSoc glównie oferuje dobra zabawe - czy to podczas picia z przyjaciólmi, czy tez na tradycyjnej polskiej wigilii.

Niewazne, czy jestes Polakiem czy nie - masz szanse dolaczyc do jednego z najbardziej aktywnych stowarzyszen studenckich na Warwick! Planów mamy wiele: wspólne wyjscia na POP z circlingiem, wieczory filmowe (kto by pogardzil starym, dobrym "Misiem"?), wydarzenia sportowe, coroczna Wigilie i wiele, wiele wiecej! Ostatnio do naszego kalendarza dolaczyl cotygodniowy event pt. Cotygodniowe Kultywowanie Polskosci (w skrócie: CKP). Szczególów tu zdradzac nie chcemy, ale wszyscy sa mile widziani!

Postarajmy sie, by wszyscy Polacy na Warwickowym kampusie byli zrzeszeni! :)

Zachecamy do zapisywania sie do Society oraz dolaczania sie do naszej strony ( i grupy ( na Facebooku. - if you want to get in touch with us


Exec Membership

Polish Society - President

Polish Society - Treasurer

Polish Society - Secretary

Polish Society - Social Secretary

Polish Society - Vice-President

Polish Society - Welfare Officer


Join This Society

Current students should purchase the Polish Society Standard Membership below.


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