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Warwick Statistics Society

Warwick Statistics Society


Despite the name, Warwick Statistics Society is not just focused on statistics students, however all students with an interest in statistics are welcome to join! We started as a careers-focused society under the name MORSE Society but we have since changed and broadened. We now offer academic support, regular socials, academic competitions & talks, sports teams, careers events, and other careers opportunities!

In your first year, you can look forward to support on the majority of core and optional modules within the statistics and mathematics departments.  Also, other resources such as revision lectures and support classes will be provided throughout the year. You can also ask for academic help in our weekly Stats Cafe! We have our own welfare officer to offer support during this period of fast-paced transition.

We are an exceptionally active society, with something going on all the time and we are always looking to better ourselves. This year we will be running programming courses in R, with the main purpose of helping Statistics department students better prepare for the ST117 and ST221 modules. That being said, as a member you are very welcome to attend if you want to learn some programming or improve your current skills, regardless of your degree. We also run other exciting academic events such as hackathons and our maths and stats competition, in partnership with societies such as WDSS and WMS.

Make sure you follow us on our Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn to keep up to date with our latest events and opportunities.

The membership is FREE. Join today to have access to all the resources we offer!

Warwick Statistics Society Exec 2024/2025

President: Dylan Patel
Vice President: James Darke
Secretary: Vanshi Gunesh
Treasurer: Tudor Badea
Social Secretaries: Advait Vaishnav, Roxie Collins & Riya Kotecha
Welfare Officer: Hannah Jory
Sports Officers: Marco Sardo & Abraham Philip
Academic Events Officers: Killian Flossmann & Niranjan Muthuswamy
Careers Officer: Alisha Shah
R Course Coordinator: Maria-Louiza Van den Bergh
Academic Support Officers: Niko Gigiberia & Denys Melnyk

In 2022/23, Warwick Statistics Society was proudly sponsored by Jane Street, Susquehanna International Group (SIG) and the Institute of Mathematics and it's Applications (IMA).


Exec Membership

Warwick Statistics Society - President

Warwick Statistics Society - Vice President

Warwick Statistics Society - Treasurer

Warwick Statistics Society - Academic Events Officer

Warwick Statistics Society - Academic Support Officer

Warwick Statistics Society - Fresher Representative

Warwick Statistics Society - Secretary

Warwick Statistics Society - Social Secretary

Warwick Statistics Society - Sports Officer

Warwick Statistics Society - Welfare Officer

Current Elections

Warwick Statistics 2025 Elections

This election is specifically to elect Exec Committee members for Warwick Statistics Society. You will only be eligible to participate in this election if you are a member of the Society.

11 posts are up for election.

Nominations close at 23:59 on Sunday 23 February 2025 (in 5 hours and 8 minutes)

The polls open at 09:01 on Monday 24 February 2025 (in 14 hours)


Join This Society

Current students should purchase the Warwick Statistics Society Standard Membership below.


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