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Save BIG at Domino’s this January!
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Mauritian Society

Warwick Mauritian Society

Mauritian Society

Warwick Mauritian Society is a fun and diverse community, with people from different cultures and backgrounds. We aim to act as a platform to bring together Mauritians and non-Mauritians while promoting and sharing our culture. Join us in one of our many events and fun activities, experience our Mauritian culture, meet new people, but most importantly come and have fun!

What we plan to do this year:

Warwick Mauritian Games

Club nights

Diwali Night 

Day trips

Christmas Dinner

Chinese New Year Celebration

Independence Day 

Laser tag/Bowling

And more...

How to be involved?

Sign up and join our Mauritian community at Warwick University! Click on our Instagram and Facebook icons and don’t miss out on any updates and events!

Whatsapp Group Link:

Please contact our Exec Team 2021/22 for any queries

Mauritian Society:

President: Yashveer -

Vice-President: Takhseel -

Treasurer : Arpana :

Secretary: Estelle -

Events Officer: Shanvi -

Welfare Officer: Aksheen -


Exec Membership

Mauritian Society - President

Mauritian Society - Treasurer

Mauritian Society - Events Organiser

Mauritian Society - Secretary

Mauritian Society - Welfare


Join This Society

Current students should purchase the Mauritian Society Standard Membership below.


Please log in to join this organisation.