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Warwick Liberal Democrats

Warwick Liberal Democrats

Warwick Liberal Democrats

Welcome to the Warwick Liberal Democrats - we represent the Liberal Democrats and Young Liberals on campus. We encourage political discussion on campus, promote liberal values, run fun socials, campaigning activites, debates, and speaker events.

This summer (2024) we were officially recognised as the best Young Liberals Branch in the UK! Our events range from legendary pub golfs, circles, and bar crawls, to sober socials like debates, board game nights, and election night watch-parties. Even at our drinking events we will have sober exec members, so anyone and everyone feels included and able to participate.

Following our newfound relevancy after our best General Election result in 100 years, the case for our existence is finally clear again. We hope you'll consider popping along to one of our events and seeing what we're all about. We strive to always be open and inclusive, welcoming people of all political persuasions who want to get involved in our debates, campaigns, or just meet new friends!

We have an Instagram page (warwicklibdems), where we are most active! Give it a follow to keep up with our socials and shennanigans. It will also have links to our society groupchats. We also regularly tweet at @UofWLibDems. All our socials can be found at

As well as our fun socials, this year we have may have exciting speaker events lined up with figures including leading MPs (especially now we have 72!), other politicians, journalists, and all-round interesting people. These events are exclusive to Warwick students. Make sure you join us to be the first to hear about them as they're announced!

We hope you will get involved this year and come along to our events and get to know us. Membership is free so our society is accessible for all. We hope to see you soon!


Exec Membership

Warwick Liberal Democrats - President

Warwick Liberal Democrats - Treasurer

Warwick Liberal Democrats - Communications Officer

Warwick Liberal Democrats - Non-Portfolio Officer

Warwick Liberal Democrats - Secretary

Warwick Liberal Democrats - Social Secretary

Warwick Liberal Democrats - Welfare


Join This Society

Current students should purchase the Warwick Liberal Democrats Standard Membership below.


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