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Warwick Entrepreneurs

Warwick Entrepreneurs

About Warwick Entrepreneurs

Warwick Entrepreneurs was created in 2006 to provide students with the tools and expertise required to turn their business ideas into reality. We are the largest entrepreneurial society at the University of Warwick, a university at the forefront of innovation and creativity.

Our mission is to inspire students, develop their business intuition and support their entrepreneurial initiatives. We focus on enhancing your entrepreneurial mindset so you can apply it in all walks of life. Warwick Entrepreneurs’ high-profile events attract members from all academic backgrounds and equip them with a range of transferable skills, allowing them to pursue their careers in a business-oriented environment. 

“WE” believe in the words “Create, Innovate, Disrupt” as these define who we are and what we do. We exist to encourage a culture of culture, innovation, and creativity.
Our events and activities help in nurturing our members and become the leaders of tomorrow. We are also excited to bring forward many new opportunities this year, for example, our new mentorship scheme for the upcoming year.

What we do

Warwick Entrepreneurs has some great opportunities and events available for students of all backgrounds and interests. Whether you only want to discover what entrepreneurship is all about, if you seek specific guidance in bringing your business idea to life or even want to take your existing start-up to the next level, we are here to help. 

Our main offering for the academic year looks as follows:

  • The Impact Summit - The Largest Entrepreneurial summit on campus
    The Impact Summit is Warwick Entrepreneurs flagship event, a one-day forum with Keynotes from fascinating start-ups, Workshops, Networking Sessions and a startup-focused career fair.

  • Interactive events
    Our regular interactive events give attendees the opportunity to learn important aspects of entrepreneurship from successful founders themselves. Attendees will actively take part in the workshops, thus allowing them to pick up practical knowledge directly from the guest speaker. 

  • WEConnect
    WEConnect is our mentorship scheme that connects students with a business idea or an existing business with a mentor from our extensive network. These mentors will help to guide mentees in the right direction and provide a pool of knowledge and expertise that might not be accessible otherwise. 
    Warwick Entrepreneurs launched the university’s newest and society’s first ever very own fast-track accelerator programme - Xelerate 2023-24’!                                                                                                                                

This year's Exec team behind Warwick Entrepreneurs

We are proud to boast a variety of nationalities, backgrounds and interests in our Exec team. If you see any of us on campus, feel free to talk with us at any time or drop us a message on Facebook or via e-mail (

  • President - Kayan Intwala
  • Chairpersons - Romain Krummenacher and Amber Yeung
  • Treasurer - Adam Mendelenyi
  • Head of WEConnect - Krishnav Gupta and Amber Lim
  • Head of Interactive Events - Arsh Mir
  • Head of Flagship Events - Shrey Kapani
  • Head of Marketing - Aashna Ajit
  • Head of Diversity - Reyna Kewalramney
  • Head of Research & Consulting - Aarmita Khajenoori

We are looking forward to a great year ahead!

Exec Membership

Warwick Entrepreneurs - President

Warwick Entrepreneurs - Treasurer

Warwick Entrepreneurs - Head of Flagship Events

Warwick Entrepreneurs - Head of Interactive Events

Warwick Entrepreneurs - Head of Marketing

Warwick Entrepreneurs - Social Secretary


Join This Society

Current students should purchase the Warwick Entrepreneurs Standard Membership below.


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