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Warwick Emerging Markets Society

Warwick Emerging Markets Society



10 years ago, a group of Warwick students made the vision of an Emerging Markets Forum a reality with the inaugural event in 2011. After this became a sell-out success, the society has gone from strength to strength, captivating students and professionals alike by encouraging discourse on the changing global landscape.

What is WEMS

Warwick Emerging Markets Society (WEMS) provides diverse and new perspectives on the emerging economies of the world, issues from the BRICs to the MINTs are going to dictate our lives tomorrow. We cover topical issues such as economics, politics, finance, business, investment, society and development in emerging countries through a wide range of events we organised throughout the year. 

Throughout the years, our external sponsors have run skills session with us, such as CV workshops; previously, Ernst and Young, Citi and PWC provided us with many networking opportunities to our members as well as support for our other events.









Exec Membership

Warwick Emerging Markets Society - President

Current Elections

Warwick Emerging Markets Society Exec Elections 2025

This election is specifically to elect the new Exec members for Warwick Emerging Markets Society. You will only be able to participate in this election if you are a member of this society.

6 posts are up for election.

Nominations close at 00:00 on Friday 28 February 2025 (in 4 days and 5 hours)

The polls open at 00:00 on Monday 3 March 2025 (in 7 days)


Join This Society

Current students should purchase the Warwick Emerging Markets Society Standard Membership below.


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