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Christian Union

Christian Union

We are Warwick Christian Union, and we exist to give everyone on campus the opportunity to hear and respond to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We are a student run society with over 300 members.

We’re all from different churches but we unite around the central truths of the Bible.

As a society, we are very active and have lots on during the week:

Main Meeting

Anyone is welcome to our main meeting each week! We meet each Wednesday somewhere on campus and hear from God's word, sing and spend time with one another.

The weekly teaching of the Bible will help Christians as they walk with Christ, whilst giving a regular opportunity for anyone to find out more about Christianity.

Impact groups

Meeting once a week at various times/locations, reading and discussing the Bible, thinking about life's big questions. If you'd like to come along get in touch with our impact coordinator at  


International Café runs each thursday from 5pm in the chaplaincy, it is a afriendly environment to meet chat and share a meal together and learn about what Christians believe. Whether you know nothing about Christianity or loads about it, come along!


Want to explore christianity? Want to find out more? Come along to any of our events during the week - we'd love to meet you!

All the details you need to know are on our website at and are posted on our social media!

We also run special events throughout the year to give people the chance to explore what we believe:

In February we have our main events week - five days packed with opportunities to come and hear about Jesus (and grab some free food!).

There are also lunch buffets where we ask the big questions, and one off events like our Carol Service in December.

Keep in the loop...

And finally, to receive our weekly emails that tell you everything that's going on, join the society by getting a membership below - it's completely free!

We look forward to meeting you!

Exec Membership

Christian Union - President

Christian Union - Vice President

Christian Union - Treasurer

Christian Union - Events

Christian Union - Impact Coordinator

Christian Union - International

Christian Union - Music Coordinator

Christian Union - Outreach Coordinator

Christian Union - Prayer

Christian Union - Publicity

Christian Union - Secretary

Christian Union - Welfare


Join This Society

Current students should purchase the Christian Union Standard Membership below.


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