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Warwick Buddhist Society

Warwick Buddhist Society


The Warwick Buddhist Society exists for anyone interested in Buddhism or Buddhist meditation, regardless of one's faith or philosophy (or lack thereof). We are not affiliated with any particular school or tradition. Instead, we are a community joined together by interest in trying or living by some, or all of the Buddha’s teachings. 

Our events are open to all: there is no need for any prior experience with meditation or Buddhist teachings, and you don’t have to be a society member to participate. (membership is FREE!)


    Once a week, or more, we gather to practice meditation and listen to talks about the dhamma (the Buddha’s views, guidance and advice), led by monks from the Theravada tradition. These gatherings usually last for an hour, at times drawn out a bit by discussions we engage with the monks. 
    We love forming meaningful connections amongst our community of members. Besides regular sessions, we meet up for frequent socials every term to enjoy the company of our fellow meditators in an (even more) chilled out setting. 
    We also organise trips to The Forest Hermitage, home to the above-mentioned monks (located in the words a short car ride and walk away from campus) when Buddhist celebrations and festivals are taking place there. These usually involve a daytrip, encompassing an offering ceremony, meditation, and listening to dhamma in a scenic setting, often followed by a shared meal of delicious food.  


If you’re looking for a suitable place to practice meditation, or feeling inclined to join a local community of people holding all sorts of religious and humanist beliefs all sharing a common interest in achieving a higher state of mental and physical well-being through introspection, self-awareness and compassion, feel free to join us at our regular meditation sessions!

By joining our WhatsApp group and following our Instagram Page, you can find the most up-to-date information regarding sessions, socials, trips and more!

·Sabbe satta sukhi hontu·
May all beings be well and happy!



Exec Membership

Warwick Buddhist Society - President

Warwick Buddhist Society - Treasurer

Warwick Buddhist Society - Publicity Officer

Warwick Buddhist Society - Welfare Officer


Join This Society

Current students should purchase the Warwick Buddhist Society Standard Membership below.


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