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The aim of BASE Law is to create a community of state educated and/or "BAME" students interested in pursuing a career in law. This means tailoring events that acknowledge the nuances of the state-eductated and "BAME" experience in the legal industry as well as at university.


President: Medhansh Bhardwaj

Vice-President: Iqra Zaheer

Treasurer: Hasnain Abbas

Secretary: Vaishnavi Naveenraj

Careers: Valerie Ng and Ali Hadi Govani

Publicity Officer: Kavina Sreeskumar

Social Secretaries: Sudipta Roy and Sharjeel Shafaq

Talks & Events: Lalain Bilal and Esha Sajjad

Non-Law Officers: Umair Patel and Tosin Osinaike

Welfare Officer: Yusuf Misbah

Exec Membership

BASE Law - President

BASE Law - Treasurer


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Current students should purchase the BASE Law Standard Membership below.


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