This is the DEV site.
Save BIG at Domino’s this January!
We have over 250 societies - there is bound to be one for you! On this page you can find out more about societies, join them, start them up, or find resources for exec members.

Staff and Associate Memberships

Staff and Associate Memberships

Societies Federation is made up of all the members of all societies at Warwick SU. The majority of these members are current students. However, sometimes non-students may wish to join, and in most circumstances this is fine.

Whilst every application for associate membership will be considered in its own right, some common reasons for joining are listed below:

  • Recent Warwick graduates who were involved in a society whilst at Warwick and wish to continue this involvement
  • Friends of current society members who need to join the society for insurance reasons, such as to perform at a society-run event or to attend a trip or tour
  • University of Warwick or Warwick SU staff
  • In some cases, local residents

Every request for associate membership will need to be approved by the current President of the society the applicant wishes to join. Requests will then be considered by the Societies Officer and Societies Exec, and final approval comes from the Board of Trustees. If an application is unsuccessful the individual will, as far as possible, be given the reasons for this, but the Trustees’ decision is final.

Prices for Associate Memberships

Associate members must first join Societies Federation before joining any societies.

  • Students at a university or college other than Warwick: £20
  • Non-Students (including University staff): £27

If you are a carer for a student at Warwick, you are entitled to free membership of Societies Federation whilst you are working in your capacity as a carer. Contact SUHQ Reception for more details.

How to Join as an Associate Member

  1. Create an account on the SU website here.
  2. Fill out the form below.
  3. The SU will contact the President of the society you want to join. If they approve, the decision will go to the Societies Exec, and finally to the Board of Trustees.
  4. If all parties approve, your website account will be activated as an Associate Member, allowing you to join and pay for memberships either online or in person at SUHQ Reception

Elections and Exec

Associate Members are not able to run or vote in society elections; they cannot hold an exec post in a society.

Apply For Associate Membership

Please give the email your account is registered to.

For past students this should be your old University ID number

List the societies here, seperated by a semi-colon.

And you're done! Click the submit button below to send your application. The Societies Officer will get in touch as soon as possible about your application.

If you have any queries, please email the Societies Officer.